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Left-I was over 260 pounds, very low energy

Right-Me now feeling fantastic & energy is back!


Where do I begin? Well, here is my story. I hope it will help you to realize there is hope and there are answers. I am now in my 60s, actually 65 and am feeling the best I have probably in my life. But it always wasn’t this way. 

My mom raised me and luckily at nine years old, she married the man I would call "dad" who walked me down the aisle at my wedding. However, childhood memories from an abusive alcoholic father (which projected a low self-esteem) I guess is where it all began. I remember one day in fifth grade living with my mom and stepdad, I was a chunky little one and my dad threatened to put a picture of a fat child on the refrigerator because I couldn’t turn away vanilla ice cream at night. I am not sure if you’ve ever had issues like this, but truthfully, I am just now sitting here reflecting on how it all began. 

Then, along came junior high and “boys” in high school and of course, I was much more active and dropped my weight and was a healthy 128 for years. All through college I sang and danced and had worked through a lot of my issues. I was determined by the time I was 25, I would be married and by the time I was 30, I would have two beautiful children and that is exactly what I did. 

However, my marriage ended in divorce after 12 years, but the best part of that entire marriage was my two beautiful children! My son, who just turned 35 this year and my daughter who just turned 32. So, for years I was working two jobs (raising at that time a two and a five-year-old.) If I were to say it was easy, I would be lying, but the JOY they brought me kept me going every day. Looking at them laugh, giving that cute little smile of theirs every morning gave me the strength I needed. 

For years though, I kept up the facade of being happy on the outside, but internally I guess I was very troubled again. I would eat, which is what happened in my marriage because I never could measure up to what he wanted, so I reverted to eating. Sure, I would diet, but then as soon as I would go off the “fad diet” the weight would come back on and usually an extra 5 pounds. It happened many times. 

I remember one day in the car, my son looked at me from the backseat and I looked in the review mirror and he said “mommy, why don’t you smile anymore?” This absolutely broke my heart. He was a smart little boy. He always saw right through me and attempted to be the man of our family...Always looking out for his mommy. 

I taught middle school for years and then moved up to high school and when both of my children were in high school, I was so happy to be teaching both of them and having them in my choir. What fun times we had!! Many trips and fun memories that I will always treasure in my heart. I am sure though, my weight had catapulted up over 200+ pounds. I didn’t even own a scale, but I knew it was well over 200 pounds because of the annual doctor visits. 

We had always gone to church and we are firm believers in Jesus Christ and I know that is what got me through each and every day. God knows our needs and our needs were always supplied. Ryan’s junior  year in high school, he said, “mom, we need to find a church that has a good youth group” and so we started visiting another church. We found one we all liked and started attending. 

I had saved enough money for the kids and I to go on a trip to Colorado, which was always a dream of ours... to go snow skiing in the mountains. It was a wonderful time that I will always treasure. I even skied!! It took me a while to get back up when I fell, but I did it. 

Later that year, a friend of mine said “Pam, I have someone I want you to meet” and I thought why not? I could use a good friend and go on some dates because the kids are old enough now. I am so thankful for the blind date we went on and now the love of my life is my wonderful husband Charles. He is my knight in shining armor and my rock and truly a man of God whom I love with all my heart. (How we met and our dating times are for another time, but it is a story in itself worth repeating.) 

Fast forward 2 and a half years, we were married and he had two beautiful children from his first marriage. A son and a daughter. His first wife, Cindy had passed away of cancer after they had been married 25 wonderful years. I am so sorry for the heart break in their lives, but so thankful God had brought him into our lives along with his two beautiful children (which are now my two beautiful children.)

Before we married, I had worked so hard to get my weight down and had reached 186 pounds and I had never been so happy about my weight. Then, as one does return to normal eating habits without proper nutrition and the stresses that come along with two subsequent job losses of mine from my teaching career (which I loved passionately) my weight began to escalate up again. This time, I know I was over 260 pounds. I always kept a smile on my face, but never had found an answer to keep the weight off and get my body healthy. My blood pressure was up, my cholesterol levels were out of whack and I was not in a healthy way. 

Then, in 2016,  my sister had a heart attack and my birth father had a heart attack years before and had to have a pacemaker put in, which resulted in four battery re-placements over the years. I am happy to say my birth father and I had a good relationship in his latter years before his death. 

I knew I had to make a change if I was not going to go down the same path, but I truly did not know how to do it. We came across an amazing plant, which has over 92 nutrients when utilizing the seeds, the leaves and the fruit of the plant.  It is in a powder form and all you do is mix it with water. I started drinking it every morning. My body was finally given nutrition in the right form and my body started turning around. It was not overnight, but believe me my health had not gotten that way overnight either. I knew it would take time, but I also knew if the body is given the right nutrition, the body knows what to do with it and it can start to repair itself. 

I noticed I was not as tired in the afternoons and was not having to have a nap daily. I noticed after a couple of weeks, my sugar cravings had subsided tremendously. I realized my knees were not hurting as much going down the stairs. I then noticed my clothes fitting looser. Then, I noticed the scale to start moving accordingly. My blood pressure started leveling out and I am happy to say now, all of my levels are in the normal range and my blood pressure is fine. I never did have to go on any blood pressure medication. 

It is now 9 1/2 years since I’ve started this product and I have helped so many people get the results they are looking for as well. If you are interested in knowing more about this plant, I am happy to share the information with you. I have always been an educator. I believe awareness and education is key and I love getting information to people that have an interest. Reach out and let’s have a talk. You have one life to live, so make the most of it! It is never too late. I love helping others achieve their own dreams and now I want to help YOU take your next step to whatever it is you are dreaming!

I have taken the LIMITED classroom I once had to a GLOBAL one! I look forward to sharing many of the healthy tips I have learned here on my blog! 

Click here to connect with me on Facebook:

Real talk: If you’re working with me, your business and goals are more important to me than my own. I will brave every storm with you to help you be successful! ⭐️ 


I value my time in a big way. While there are hundreds of people I’ve coached one on one, and in groups, some have been successful and some have not. Showing up is 80% of success, and one thing I’ll promise you is I’ll match your energy - if YOU show up for yourself, I’ll show up for you. If you’re eager to do the work, I’ll help you every step. 

In my experience, the main reasons I see people unsuccessful is because they’re not ready to put in the work OR they quit right before they see their work pay off. It’s not an overnight success thing - but the success is amazing AND long term. #ResidualIncome

Now, I’m not talking about people just wanting free products, or to earn an extra say $200-$500 a month, that’s easy work. I’m talking LIFE CHANGING money, the BIG money - the limitless income opportunity - the thousands and thousands extra a month. That’s attainable…you just have to be WILLING to work and SHOW UP... every day. “My results are not typical, but neither is my work ethic.”

I promise you, if your energy is down or you’re not showing up for yourself, your coach will not drag you. 👏🏼

Maybe you’re reading this thinking you’ve done this thing before and failed... I ask you to REALLY think about it, did you REALLLLY go all in? Did your actions reflect the goals you had for yourself? Were you learning the skills and applying them, or doing your own thing? Did you quit a couple months in? Did you take your foot off the gas? Nothing good comes easy my friends, but I promise it’s worth it.

It's such an honor to be ranked a 2 Star Golden Circle Crystal Executive Global Leader and Top 10 Women of The Year 2021. This is a result of all my hard work and dedication to my amazing Team! 

And BIG thank you to all my customers who have supported me throughout these years and my leaders who trust in me to lead the way. 

If you want life changing money and you have the GRIT, desire and work ethic it takes along with an extra 1-2 hours a day, working smart, to make it happen, then we need to connect ASAP. Connect with me on calendly. Here’s the link.

Big things are happening.......


My old robe...Now you can fit 2 of me in it!

Reach out to me if you would like to learn more!

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