Let’s look at where we are right now in today’s world…Which of these do you relate with?

A lot of us are working from home now or are home because of this outbreak.
We are out of our normal eating habits
We feel sluggish, tired, nap more often
We feel out of control
Our home environment makes it very easy to just go and snack whenever we want
We are more sedentary and not moving as much as we usually do
Many of my friends tell me they are bored and out of boredom they are reaching for snacks/foods that are more comfort foods rather than foods with nutrition.

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

I know where you are coming from because I used to do the same thing. I would think I was hungry and would reach for a certain food and when it didn’t satisfy my craving, I would reach for something else. Have you ever had a large meal and then only 30′ to an hour later, you feel hungry again? The reason is the food you are ingesting is lacking in vitamins and nutrients that our bodies are craving. Especially in this time of stress and the unknown, the body is reacting to this stress in ways that are outside your normal routine.

I work from home everyday and so I have learned a few tricks that I know can help you as well.

What I recommend and the thing that has helped me the most is to find a system that will work for you and your lifestyle.
Are you a person that likes to cook? Do you prefer quick and easy? What I do is help you to find a system that works within your lifestyle and help you stay on course to eat healthy and keep your body at its best.

Starting Steps:

1. Hydrate
A lot of times when we are reaching for food, our body is really thirsty. Options of course are great water! You can use essential oils to spice up your water, you can add fresh lemons, limes, orange. Use a great Sparkling Water with added fruits.

2. Snacks
Prepare ahead of time. We like to keep fresh celery cut up along with other veggies in the refrigerator and then use those to dip with almond butter or hummus or a good yogurt of choice.

3. Sleep
Are you getting enough sleep? Feel tired and sluggish? Take a look at your sleep patterns. Research claims that it is best to go to bed at the same time and get up at the same time each day and even on the weekends. Your body will adjust.

4. Take a walk during the day. Maybe even several times a day and break it up if you are not walking long distances. My husband and I take walks around our neighborhood a couple of times a day. Find what works for you. If you get up early, get out and walk early and watch the beautiful sunrise and get in touch with nature. I have a friend that shared with me that this is his prayer walk time. Walking and praying for others. What a beautiful way to start your day!

We have covered in these previous tips, exercise, sleep, hydration and now to nutrition.

5. What are you starting your day with? What we put in our bodies is either helping us become more healthy or is leading us in the opposite direction. We start our day everyday with SuperMix! It is a drink that contains 92 verifiable nutrients. It helps reduce inflammation in the body and gives me the energy I need to maintain the course of the day to its fullest. Check and analyze how you are starting your day. Is it a coffee with sugar and cream? Pastries? Cereals? Think of the nutritional value or lack of nutrition these foods are giving your body.

A car has to have the right fuel to run. Your body is no different. What we fuel it with upon the start of our day is very important.

Many people are into quick and easy breakfasts and don’t like to cook. In that case, I would recommend you look at our shakes. We have plant based and whey based products based on your particular interest. Shakes are delicious, easy to prepare and nutritious. It’s a win win!

During these unprecedented times, we all are finding our “new normal.” I pray you and your families are doing well and that this is behind us sooner than we can imagine. However, in the meantime, take care of yourselves and your families. One of the best ways to do this is through the foods we are ingesting every day. Let’s make choices that bring us energy and take away those sluggish, lethargic feelings that make us feel out of control. The thing we can control are the choices we make in our nutritional needs each and every day.

Remember, you are loved, you are enough and I encourage you to Be Your Best You and make the choices today that will lengthen your life and not take away from it. For more tips, I invite you to join my facebook group Pam’s Healthy Tips! Together, we are making a difference in people’s lives each and every day!

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