Ever get confused by all the different things there are on the market today? Wonder how to get in all the vital nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that our body needs? Think your body needs more protein? 

Here’s what I have found that is working for me and for my friends. 

It’s not just a protein shake…?
Alot of people say “oh you do protein shakes.” Well yes, it has protein in it…but that’s not ALL it has in it. Check it out below.

Wouldn’t you agree? We can’t get proper nutrition from our food anymore. Our food is full of pesticides, unhealthy chemicals, and GMOs. Everyone needs the nutrition from the shake EVERYONE. All of us can gain the benefits for the health of it even if you are thin, fit, and healthy. I will drink the shakes forever because I feel amazing, so why would I want to quit?

Here is why you should have a shake !

OUR shakes are not just a SHAKE!

?8 g Fibre = 4 Tbsp Linseed

?24 g Carbohydrate = 1/4 Cup cooked quinoa with 2 small beetroots

?24 g Protein = 4 Eggs

?240 mg Calcium = 1 1/2 cups cottage cheese

?70 mcg Folate = 3/4 cup brussel sprouts

?2.5 mcg Vitamin D = 200 g cod fillets

?3 mg Iron = 170 g tenderloin steak

?4 mg Zinc = 2 cups baked beans

?380 mcg Potassium = 1 Banana

☘54 mcg Iodine = 1 tbsp cooked seaweed

?187.5 mcg Vitamin A = 1 red Capsicum

?80 mg Magnesium = 1/2 cup cooked spinach

Not only would this cost over $20 or so, but also takes about an hour to prepare. What about all the hormones, chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, fungacides and lavacides that may be found in this spread, not to mention that the calorie intake would be fairly high as well.

✔️60 essential micro nutrients

✔️11 amino acids

✔️2 essential fatty acids

✔️13 vitamins

✔️21 minerals

✔️7 enzymes

✔️6 probiotics

It has so much nutritional nourishment in it. Sometimes, the foods that I eat aren’t always giving me all the nutrients that my body needs. But when I consume a shake, I know that my body is taking in good nutrients.
We have so many options with different flavor proteins; including plant based, whey based, whole blend and the combinations are endless. Researchers found that the more healthful plant foods in a person’s diet, the better it was for long-term health.
Starting today …Give your body what it needs!!

Pam Foster

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