Are there days when you feel like your tank is running on empty?

When the school year comes around, are you dreading the year ahead?

Are you counting the days until the next break or holiday?

If so, many of these questions and statements will also likely ring true.

  • Sleep? What’s that? I haven’t had it in years.
  • Lunch? I can’t remember the last time I sat down at my desk. 
  • Exercise? I get mine from running and chasing kids all day long.
  • Personal time? What’s that?

Does Your day mean waking up before 6:00 a.m. (after getting much less than the recommended eight hours) and quickly getting ready? Similarly, you are most likely skipping breakfast or grabbing coffee on your way out the door in a hurry to make it to school on time. Does this sound familiar? Then let me tell you, I relate! 

Likewise, being a former High School Educator in the classroom for 25 years, I know the daily grind and how your body can feel totally drained at the end of the day. You can read my own story on my blog. I loved teaching my students, making music together, taking trips, and all the fun we had. Still, my body was drained at the end of the day, and my health suffered.

I want to encourage all educators, coaches, and teachers to take this year ahead, plan it out, and make it your own.

Of course, this might sound crazy because so much of our day/schedule is planned for us in the classroom. However, it’s important to realize we DO have control over certain aspects of our day.

My gift to you this year is to give you this Teacher Survival Kit, and I hope it brings much value and clarity to you as you plan out your days. May you have an awesome year ahead!


Click here to get your Teacher Survival Kit Now!


Click here for other self-care tips to help you through the school year! 

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