In talking with a dear friend recently, we were sharing stories about how sometimes the body just seems to hit a plateau when it comes to weight loss. Have you ever been there?

In our discussion, we began talking about the advantages to protein in our diets. If you seem to be doing all the right things, but can’t seem to drop those last few pounds, read ahead:


Add Some Protein to Your Diet  

Protein is a macronutrient that your body needs in the right amounts. In fact, it is a component of every cell in your body, and it’s required to build and repair tissue. Fun fact: Your body doesn’t store protein (like it does with carbohydrates), so it has nothing to draw from when you’re low. This is why it’s important to make sure you’re getting the protein you need, when you need it.  

Getting all the necessary nutrients can be a challenge, though. When you’re on the go, surrounded by temptations — and just well, hungry — taking time to worry about protein intake can be downright stressful. 

The good news about protein, however, is that it can make us feel full and satisfied all while keeping unhealthy cravings at bay

Ready to give your body some love, positivity, and appreciation?  You and your miraculous body deserve it! 

Did you know…

? More protein can help you keep muscle as you age. After age 30, on average, adults lose a half-pound of muscle each year.

? More protein can help you overcome a weight-loss plateau by increasing satiety and stimulating fat burning.

? More protein can help you build muscle faster. High physical demands on the body require more protein to repair and build muscle. (Let’s do this!)

Luckily, we have a solution! Here’s what you should know about IsaLean® PRO.

Our IsaLean PRO shakes provide more protein (36g) and less carbs than our IsaLean Shake, with only 40 more calories.

These calories are coming from good quality protein to help curb those extra cravings and provide additional protein to help you push through a weight-loss plateau. IsaLean PRO has only 9g sugar, which comes from milk (naturally occurring?) & fructose (aka fruit sugar, and we source ours from beets! ❤️).

The total sugar is less than half an apple. ?

This product is an additional tool for your nutrition tool-belt when it comes to reaching your health goals.

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Pam Foster~Healthy Living~Vocal Health Tips~         Click Here To Learn More