Many of us are buying in bulk to save money and to avoid the extra trips to the grocery store. So, how do we properly store all of the fruits and veggies to keep them fresh for the longest time?

Top tips:

1. Greens-Wash and dry them well. My favorite way is to spin them in a large salad spinner. If you don’t have a salad spinner, you can lay out the leaves and dry them between paper towels. 

2. Avocados-We usually buy ours in bulk at Costco, but they are usually not ripe when we bring them home. I learned this trick from a friend of mine. She uses the base of a cardboard egg box and places the avocados point end down in the egg box and stores in the refrigerator. Also, if you do not use the whole avocado, make sure to put the stone back in the piece you didn’t eat and wrap it up in cling wrap or waxed paper and put it back in the egg box point side down. 

3. Fresh herbs-Use a damp paper towel and roll up the washed herbs like a taco. Tuck the ends under and place them in a zip lock bag. Make sure to gently roll out the air and seal and store in the refrigerator.

4. Tomatoes-Best to leave these out on the counter. They tend to go mealy and lose their flavor when placed in the refrigerator.

5. Berries-Best to wash them as you are ready to eat them. You can pre-wash them and place in refrigerator with a paper towel on top. 

6. Potatoes-They do well in baskets on your table because the baskets let the air circulate around them.

(I wanted to thank Dr. Andy Vorster in Houston for these tips! She has been a friend of ours for years!)

To view the video that goes with this post click here now. 

If you are looking for a good salad spinner, here is the one we use. 


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