Did you make a New Year’s Resolution? How many of you are still on course with your goals? If you have fallen off, don’t beat yourself up. Statistics show that by the third Thursday of January, most people start abandoning their resolutions.

So as we end the month of January, I asked myself, what are some of the reasons people give up?

Listen in as I share two of my top tips with you so you can reset and get back on track!



I’d like to invite you to my Private Facebook group where you can stay plugged in to get encouragement whether that be weight management, getting some new recipes, hearing other people’s stories, or just a place to ask questions and feel connected.

I hope these tips have helped you! I would love to hear what is your favorite breakfast on the go! Type in comments section below…

Have an amazing evening and I’ll see you on our next Thursday with Pam!

7:00 p.m. CST

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Pam Foster~Healthy Living~Vocal Health Tips~         Click Here To Learn More