Have you ever had one of those days/weeks when you wonder…seriously, this has got to get better!

This week’s blog post is about Navigating the Storm: Finding Calm in Chaos during Home Remodels and Life’s Ups and Downs. We are in a remodel in our home! This is a good thing, but it can be overwhelming at times.

What do you do when you feel stressed? 

We have all been there at one time or another.  It’s not the day-to-day living in our home remodel that gets me stressed. The things that are out of my control and the incompetence of others get me stressed. Can you relate?

I have had three of those days in a row now and am ready for things to shift. Therefore, I made a conscious effort to change my thinking today. Here are proactive ways to do this that will result in a more productive day.

Here are the things I do that help me go from reactive to proactive status.

I hope these tips help you, too!

  1. Step away from my desk.
  2. Enjoy the outdoors
  3. Deep breathing
  4. Exercise
  5. Turn on your favorite music!
  6. Go to lunch with a friend/spouse
  7. Drink water
  8. Read daily affirmations
  9. I realize some things are out of my control
  10. Choose a response in a positive manner and avoid quick reactions
  11. Get out of my head and into my heart, and give people grace
  12. Read a book
  13. Journal
  14. Think of someone that needs you…write a card, make a call
  15. Do something fun for yourself
  16. Call a friend that you know will make you laugh
  17. Dance
  18. Vent to someone who loves you
  19. Smile
  20. Get in your car and take a drive

If you are feeling stressed, here are four key ways to lighten your stress.

Here is my #1 stress adaptogen reliever! 

Here’s to a fantastic week!

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