May is Mental Health Awareness Month

When we think of health, we tend to think of nutrition, what am I putting in my body, exercising, etc.

Have you thought about your mind too? With May being Mental Health Awareness Month, I thought it was the right time to do a little education and bring awareness to this subject.

Today, I was listening to a podcast (From First 15 featuring Craig Denison and Ryan Casey Waller.) They shared how people tend to shy away from sharing the real truth about mental health and dove right into some practical solutions.

So, did you know:

1 in 5 are affected every year by mental health. (Really more….these are reported numbers)

80% that get treatment have a great reduction of their symptoms.

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.”

That alone should urge us to learn more, so we can help more people and encourage them to get the help they need!

For years, people can be suffering internally and those of us that are closest to them, do not even know. Or, when we do know, we may not know how to help. I am not an expert on this by any means, but I have walked this road with family members and friends.

I feel it is very important that we educate ourselves on ways we can reach out and help others. If you had a tooth ache, would you question going to the dentist? What about needing help on your taxes? Wouldn’t you go to a qualified CPA?

Why is it so different and why does society put a negative stigma on people with anxiety, depression, alcoholism, drug abuse etc.? 

Why do people shy away? I think partly because they don’t know what to say or do. Let’s change that! We can do our part to learn more so we can help more hurting people in this world.

What is Mental Health? When should you seek help? What steps do I take? All of these are questions that are covered in the podcast today. I urge you to listen. You never know who you may be able to reach out and help. Go here for the podcast now. 

For more on self care, click here now. 


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