College? No College? Do you need a college degree to be successsful?

I was the first in our family to graduate from college. I will always thank my parents for that amazing opportunity! I believe education is very important. I taught in the classroom for 25 years and at the top of my game, still did not make a 6 figure income. How can you expect to grow your income if you continue to do the same thing day after day without taking steps towards your freedom lifestyle goal?

I loved teaching and loved my students! Many of whom I still stay in contact with today. However,  I did not even know what residual income meant. Why don’t they have a course on that in college? Sure, friends had told me about their side businesses and hosted parties. I went to support them, got involved in some, etc. I saw my time was still trading time for dollars.

But what if you did not go to college? Didn’t finish college? What are your options in business today? Well, that is the best part. You get to decide. You have a choice. What I am sharing with you today is something that I wish I had been told even while I was teaching. Having a residual income is key to your future. Your dreams, goals, freedom is based on what you want it to be.

UNTIL I found out what REAL residual income meant, my income stayed the same with only the normal raises of a classroom teacher.

So, I want to make sure you, my readers know about this amazing leverage we have at our fingertips.

Would you rather earn LINEAR INCOME or RESIDUAL INCOME? Let’s find out…My good friend Emily states it this way…

“Linear Income: With a job, you trade time for money. At the end of the week, your boss pays you for the work you did that week. The next week you start from zero. You have to put in the work again to get paid. Linear income is directly related to the number of hours you work. If you work 40 hours, you get paid for 40 hours of work.

Residual Income: Unlike a paycheck from a job, when you develop a “residual income” you don’t have to start from zero every week, or every month. You don’t have to start over from zero ever again. Residual income means never having to “start over.” Why? Because when you earn a residual income, your income compounds from the work you are currently doing and the work you have already done! The work you did last week continues to pay you this week, as does the work you did two weeks ago, and three weeks ago, and four weeks ago, etc… all the way back to the week you first started earning a residual income.

You do the work right ONE TIME, you can get paid AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN for a LONG TIME!”

With a regular salary job, what happens when you get sick or run out of sick days? What happens if you can no longer work? Have you ever wanted to be somewhere, but did not have the ability to go due to your work schedule or limited income?

With residual income, comes FREEDOM. What that looks like to you is up to  you. What is your dream? You can create your future! Design the life you want to live. Is it work, does it require action on  your part? Absolutely, but the best part is you do not have to go it alone! Check this link out today and see what options are available to you! 

Go here and let’s start to grow YOUR residual income today! 


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