Thanksgiving season has always been one of my favorite times of the year.

Reflecting on all the beautiful memories I so cherish with my Mom, Dad, and family all around the table celebrating makes me happy.

It has been over 20 years since my Mom passed, but I can still close my eyes and remember all the fun, sweet aromas of food on the stove and in the oven, wearing our little aprons, cutting up all the veggies to go in the festive meal being prepared, and listening to Christmas carols!  Dad was sitting in his chair with the paper (oh yes, we used to get a newspaper every day!) with our little Pancho (Chihuahua) curled beside him under the paper and both sleeping.

Those are just a few of the wonderful memories I will always cherish! Oh, and of course, the Thanksgiving Day parade was always on TV.

Now, back to reality, I am incredibly blessed with my family, friends, great health, and more blessings than I deserve.

At this time, let’s all give thanks to our amazing God! Whether you celebrate alone or with friends and family, we all have something to be thankful for. This year, we will celebrate with family and friends.

I look forward to making our traditional baked corn my mom perfected! Then, it will be on to the baking for the Christmas season with pumpkin bread for our kiddos. I used to have one recipe, which has grown to many kinds…with nuts, without nuts, chocolate chips, no chocolate chips, etc.

I’d love to hear some of the family recipes you love to cook/bake that have been passed down through generations. Another one of our favorites is my mom’s chocolate pies! Yes, Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate with those we love and cherish the sweet memories of those passed on.

If you can, I would encourage you to think of those who might be experiencing their first holiday without a loved one.

Or those with family living far away are alone this year. Invite them to join you in your celebration. Pick up the phone and call them today. You never know what people are going through; your call could make a difference for them this year!

If you want to read about a wonderful, heartfelt story of giving, click here now.

From our house to your house, Happy Thanksgiving!

Pick up your Pumpkin Guide here now!


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