Intermittent Fasting Benefits

Today, I want to share an article from Jim Burch. He speaks directly about Intermittent Fasting and talks about the science behind it. Regarding science, I refer to our top scientists and their 3rd party research with clinical studies.

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It’s easy to dismiss new diet trends that come and go. Intermittent fasting is not your typical fad diet – it’s far from it.

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is simply the practice of alternating between periods of eating and fasting. Moreover, this dietary practice has been the subject of scientific investigation for nearly a century. Researchers recently evaluated the scientific evidence and determined that short-term periods of intermittent fasting every week are just as effective as standard diets. Intermittent fasting has been shown to be more effective than standard calorie restriction due to its flexibility. This makes intermittent fasting a sustainable lifestyle choice to support long-term health.

Intermittent Fasting With Isagenix

The science behind intermittent fasting was incorporated into developing many Isagenix Systems and specific products. Isagenix makes intermittent fasting more effortless and accessible through nutritional tools designed to support fasting. Cleanse for Life® provides the body with nutritional support while also supporting the body’s natural detoxification processes,† whereas products like Isagenix Snacks, and Whey Thins™offer additional nutritional support to satisfy cravings and boost energy.

Here are three tips for success when intermittent fasting with Isagenix:

1. Use the Tools

You don’t have to be hungry. Take advantage of approved nutritional support like Whey Thins,  e+™, Isagenix Coffee, Ionix® Supreme, and Isagenix Snacks. However, it is always important to be conscious of calorie intake and only use what’s necessary for you personally – the goal is to consume as few calories as possible. By having your regularly spaced servings of Cleanse for Life and other nutritional support, you are providing your body with a steady source of nutrition while keeping calories healthy.

2. Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail

Abstaining from normal meals and foods can be challenging if you haven’t prepared for it mentally and physically. Isagenix recommends completing at least two Shake Days before a Cleanse Day, but for some, up to two weeks of Shake Days may be necessary to prepare for a successful Cleanse Day experience. Use these days to incorporate nutrient-dense shakes and other nutritious foods – this will help prepare you to start reducing your calorie intake. Better yet, gradually cutting back on excess calories ahead of time will make it easier to complete both successful Shake Days and Cleanse Days in the future.

3. Hydrate

Hydration is vital on Cleanse Days. Stay hydrated by drinking adequate water throughout the day. You may also support hydration on Cleanse Days with other calorie-free beverages like plain, unsweetened coffee and herbal teas or beverages like Cleanse for Life, Ionix Supreme, or AMPED™ Hydrate if needed.

Not drinking enough water, especially on a Cleanse Day, can concern many people. However, getting too much of a good thing is possible, as is anything. By paying attention to your body’s cues, you can be confident that you’re making the best choice for your health. Some general guidelines you can follow from the Institute of Medicine is to consume between 2.7 liters (11 cups) and 3.7 liters (16 cups) of total water to meet the hydration needs of most healthy adults.

Down to a Science

Dr. Paul Arciero, Ph.D., is an accomplished exercise scientist who has researched intermittent fasting in partnership with Isagenix. He found that combining a balanced diet that incorporates Isagenix products, keeping consistent protein intake throughout the day, and intermittent fasting can help achieve long-term health loss goals, in addition to supporting markers of heart health and reducing oxidative stress.

Dr. Arciero performed a study consisting of two phases. The first was a 12-week weight loss phase, and the second was a 52-week weight maintenance phase. For the first phase, all the study subjects followed the Isagenix regimen, and during the second phase, the group was split, with one group continuing to use Isagenix while the other switched to a heart-healthy diet.

Dr. Arciero acknowledges that heart-healthy diets have proven benefits, but he has found that dietary strategies, including intermittent fasting and consistent protein intake throughout the day, are particularly effective.

During the second phase of the study, looking at weight maintenance, all the participants consumed about 1,900 calories, but the Isagenix group consumed approximately 20-25 grams of protein at each meal and followed the Isagenix protocol for intermittent fasting once every two weeks or once a month.

At the end of the 12-month period, the results for the two groups were somewhat surprising and vastly different. The participants who continued to follow the Isagenix System outperformed the heart-healthy group in markers such as reduced body weight, oxidative stress, and arterial stiffness. Participants following the heart-healthy diet regained much of the weight they lost during the first phase of the study, along with seeing a decline in other markers that were improved in phase one. 

More Than Weight Loss

While weight loss may be the most compelling argument for intermittent fasting, many studies have highlighted its benefits for better overall health and well-being.

So, are you ready to better your health? Let Isagenix help you incorporate intermittent fasting into your routine.

​​This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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