How do we reduce inflammation in our bodies is a question many people are asking.

Have you ever thought of all the diseases and medical conditions that end in “itis?” Here are a few to think about…

Arthritis is inflammation in a joint, Colitis is inflammation of the colon, Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchial tubes, Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver, Otitis Media is an inflammation of the middle ear, Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder, Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease, Crohn’s is an inflammatory bowel disease and then there is Appendicitis, Pericarditis, Dermatitis, Ulcerative Colitis and the list goes on and on.

Itis “-itis” means “inflamed”, which in turn means that the body’s inflammatory process has occurred in certain body tissues.

What Is Inflammation?

Inflammation is a process by which your body’s white blood cells and the things they make protect you from infection from outside invaders, such as bacteria and viruses.

But in some diseases, like arthritis, your body’s defense system — your immune system — triggers inflammation when there are no invaders to fight off. In these autoimmune diseases, your immune system acts as if regular tissues are infected or somehow unusual, causing damage.

There are certain symptoms that may be signs of an acute inflammation which may be experienced one at at time or in multiples: 

  1. Redness
  2. Heat
  3. Pain
  4. Swelling
  5. Loss of function such as not being able to move an inflamed joint or finding difficulty in breathing.

These chronic inflammatory diseases can last for years or even a lifetime and their severity and level of activity varies from person to person.

How many people do you know struggling with these diseases? Or, is it you that may have some of these issues?

So the question remains: What are ways we can reduce inflammation in the body? states that the goals of treatment are to:

  • Correct, control, or slow down the disease process
  • Avoid or change activities that aggravate pain
  • Ease pain through pain medications and anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Keep joint movement and muscle strength through physical therapy
  • Lower stress on joints by using braces, splints, or canes as needed

These statements are very true, however I would like to add that being able to reduce inflammation can be helped by the foods we eat, things we drink, exercise and much more.

Foods with high antioxidants may help reduce your risk of disease. 

Berries such as Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, and Blackberries are small fruits that are packed full with fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Chili Peppers and Bell Peppers are loaded with antioxidants and vitamin C.

Turmeric is a wonderful spice with a strong, earthy flavor that’s often used in curries and other Indian dishes.

Did you know that Dark Chocolate and Cocoa are packed with antioxidants that reduce inflammation?

There are so many choices we make every single day. Shouldn’t our choice of our foods be at the top of our list?

Click here to find out what we take every day that has 36 anti-inflammatories! Plus, a total of 92 verifiable nutrients! 

Next week: Spotlight Focus on why this is my Favorite Daily Drink to reduce inflammation!  

Have a blessed day!

Pam Foster

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