Have you ever found yourself in a place or situation you thought you would never be in?

You can read my personal story on my blog about what I personally struggled with and how I overcame those issues, but TODAY, I want to focus on my friend Ozzie. His story is amazing and truly inspirational!

We all grow up thinking we will be healthy, happy and physically fit, etc., but then things happen, and we find ourselves in different places we never thought we would be. We find ourselves wanting to make the right choices, but we fall short due to many issues in our lives. I want to personally thank my friend Ozzie for sharing his story today with us. 

Maybe someone can relate to it and see for themselves that anything is possible. I love sharing my weight loss story.

The sky is the limit, especially with these nutritional products.

I will start by saying I was eight weeks away from getting gastric bypass surgery when a good friend of mine introduced me to these products. He gave me one month’s worth of products for me to try out to see if I could lose weight and avoid the surgery.

As one would imagine, I was initially skeptical since I had tried everything on the market for weight loss.

Nothing ever worked for me, from Weight Watchers to shakes and diet pills. I weighed 389 lbs when I started. Right off the bat, I lost 7 lbs overnight. I couldn’t believe it. So, I continued to drink the products correctly and was anxious about my results in the first 30 days of using them.

Just by following the simple weight loss system,I ended up losing 32 lbs in my first 30 days. I STILL couldn’t believe I lost over 3 inches off my waist, which was also very exciting. I decided to cancel my surgery and continue taking these products. About six months in, I was already down 65 lbs and with ZERO exercise. At that point, I decided to start working out and be more active outdoors every day, and the results started to show more and more.

I’m now down a total of 180 lbs in 6 1/2 years using these products, and I’m in the best shape of my life.

I still want to lose another 20 lbs to reach my goal of losing 200 lbs in total.

It’s been a life-changing journey for me, losing all that weight.

No longer do my knees hurt.

Now, I love taking pictures when I used to hate it.

Now, I can fly again! I actually fit in airplane seats!

Now, I can spend more time standing up when fishing or hunting.

So, I’m beyond thankful that I can do those things again now, and it was all due to a good friend who decided that I NEEDED these products in my LIFE. I thank GOD for putting in his heart the need to help me.

The Right Nutrition is KEY!
Ozzie 180-pound weight loss!

If you find yourself or someone you know wanting to make a lifestyle change for the better, please click here and let us get you some information. Life is precious and too short to wait. We want to live, not just survive. Let me help you move forward with your next step

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