Time Block your day so you can have more time to do the things you love! When you focus on time blocking, you will achieve so much more in your day!

Whether you work from home or in an office, these time-blocking tips will help you achieve results.

Not everyone has the advantage of working from home. For 25 years, I was in the rat race of freeway traffic and juggling a million and one things. Now, I do enjoy working from home doing the things I love and still teaching, but in the way I choose.

What has been a change is knowing how to prioritize the day with the most productive outcome. How do you get it all done? Everyone has the same 24 hours. Have you ever wondered how some people seem to have it all together and others don’t? I remember my mom, after her retirement, saying, “How did I get it all done when I was working?”

We all go through planners, sticky notes, and the newest systems. I have discovered and found that working in time blocks makes all the difference in the world. You will accomplish your goals when you control your time and tell it how you want your day to be. Now, there are days when things will happen outside of your control. You might ask, what do I do on those days? Easy, you adjust your time blocks when things happen beyond your control. You will move your scheduled time to another time block available, and it will get done.

Remember the saying, put in the big rocks first? That is where you will start. What is the most important thing you must get done? For me, I start my day with quiet time. If I do not, my day seems off. I have certain things I like to read, quotes, journaling, etc. I also have a certain morning drink I love that gives me energy and all the nutrients I need to kick-start my day. How do you like to start your day? I’d love to hear from you!

Here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Identify Priorities:
    • Begin by listing your most important tasks and goals for the day.
    • Identify the high-priority activities that align with your overall objectives.
  2. Allocate Specific Blocks:
    • Assign specific time blocks to different categories of tasks.
    • For example, designate a block for emails, a block for focused work, and a block for meetings.
  3. Theme Your Blocks:
    • Group similar tasks together in a single time block.
    • This helps minimize context-switching and enhances focus.
  4. Set Realistic Time Limits:
    • Be realistic about how much time each task will take.
    • Avoid overloading your schedule, and allow some buffer time for unexpected issues.
  5. Guard Your Time:
    • Treat your time blocks as sacred appointments.
    • Minimize interruptions and inform colleagues or family members about your dedicated work periods.

Remember, the key to successful time blocking is consistency and adaptability. Tailor the technique to fit your unique work style and preferences.

When planning out your day, put in the big rocks first, and the other things will fall into place. I’d love to share more with you on this topic. If you want to learn more, message me here, and I will contact you. 

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