Five Ways To Help You Reduce Inflammation In Your body Starting TODAY!



Have you ever wondered where inflammation comes from or how to reduce inflammation in your body and relieve discomfort in your aching joints?

Well, I did too and here are some tips that can help you take your next step to getting the inflammation under control. I dealt with this and had high blood pressure issues like my sister and my dad. I knew I wanted to get mine under control. I did not want to be following their path which resulted in blood pressure medications and other health issues.

I did take a proactive approach in my health and am happy to say I never had to go on any type of blood pressure medication and within 3 months, I had mine under control! My doctor was amazed and now 3 1/2 years later, I am still feeling fantastic!

Pam S. says: “Everyone hears me talk about my green drink and how it has helped me not only with my bloated stomach and inflammation issues but with going down from a size 12 to a size 2 in 7 months. This is not a cure all, but it is the most awesome plant that has helped me health wise and without dieting. Below is a testimony from a very close friend and her journey. It is all about consistency and staying on track. Again it is not a cure and we do not make any medical claims to this, but below is how one person has had remarkable results.

Thank you Suelin for sharing:

I am now at the 90 day mark of drinking my green drink and I can honestly say I am very happy with the initial results. Yes, I have lost weight and inches, but the monumental change for me is the pain and spasms from my autoimmune I have suffered with for over 30 years have significantly diminished. I am so thankful that God and Pam S. led me to it. No doubt, I will continue to drink my green drink and teas. Looking forward to future changes and results”

Inflammation is part of your body’s natural defenses.  A simple example is when a cut swells up and turns red, that’s inflammation at work to heal your body.  The danger of inflammation in your body is when it goes into overdrive, overcompensating for an abundance of factors like poor diet, smoking, stress, infection, injury, long term exposure to industrial chemicals, polluted air and even dehydration.  When the body senses a problem, it is designed to repair and heal itself by repairing damaged cells.  This is accomplished by releasing chemicals of antibodies and proteins and increasing the blood flow to the damaged area.  Inflammation serves the purpose of keeping the body healthy.  When a damaged area is not addressed, the immune system overcompensates, and this can create chronic inflammation.  Many call this autoimmune disorder when the body’s immune system begins to attack the damaged cells as well as healthy cells.

Some people are more sensitive than others and the above issues do not cause chronic inflammation in everyone, but there are some clear causes of your inflammation.

The symptoms of chronic inflammation include:

  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Mouth Sores
  • Rashes
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Chest Pain



Pro-inflammatory cytokines cause autoimmune reactions in the brain which can lead to depression, autism, poor memory, Alzheimer’s and MS.


Inflammation in the heart & arterial & venous walls contributes to heart disease, strokes, high blood sugar (diabetes) and anemia.


Inflammatory cytokines can cause muscle pain and weakness. Can manifest as carpal tunnel syndrome, or polymyalgia rheumatica and more.


Inflammation interferes with the body’s natural ability to repair bone mass, increasing the number of fractures and leading to conditions like osteoporosis.


Chronic inflammation compromises the liver and kidneys, resulting in rashes, dermatitis, eczema, acne, psoriasis, wrinkles and fine lines.


Autoimmunity as a result of inflammation can reduce total thyroid receptor count and disrupts thyroid hormone function.


Inflammation induces autoimmune reactions against the lining of airways.  Can result in allergies or asthma.

GI Tract

Chronic inflammation damages our intestinal lining and can result in issues like GERD, Crohn’s disease and Celiac disease.


Inflammatory cytokines restrict blood flow to the kidneys.  Complications like edema, hypertension, nephritis and kidney failure can result.


Build-up of inflammation leads to an enlarged liver or fatty liver disease.  Increased toxic load build-up in the body.

Reducing inflammation is very important.   Think of your body as a delicate balance of a smooth working factory.  The plant manufactures needed items and discards items that are defective or of no longer use.  It is important to keep your cells healthy because 100 Million cells die per minute.  For instance, your cells are replaced: Skin cells - 28 days, Liver cells - 500 days, Intestinal cells - 3 days, Red blood cells - 120 days, White blood cells - every few hours.

Now that you know what inflammation is and its symptoms, the following are ways you can reduce your inflammation.

#1: Hydration - Exposure to toxins is one huge factor in chronic inflammation.  Proper Hydration is one of the key strategies to make sure the body is able to effectively detox.  Today’s drinking water is loaded with contaminates, including bottled waters, so use some type of filtration system that removes all of the heavy metals and chemicals, such as fluoride.  The typical refrigerator filter will not remove such items.  Good, clean water is vital to good health by reducing inflammation.

#2: Daily Movement - Your body works better when it is moving.  Every organ including the bowels, urinary tract, sweat glands, circulatory system, lymphatics, and even your muscles don’t work well unless they are moving.  When the body is stagnant, toxins build up.  A daily walk several times a week gets your blood flowing, allows your lungs to expel toxins, increases heart rate, boosts lymph fluids and increases circulation.  All of this helps to reduce inflammation.

#3: Healthy Diet - One of the largest causes of inflammation in our society is our diet.  Changing the way you eat can greatly reduce your inflammation.

Many of the foods in the American diet create inflammation.

Eliminate or greatly reduce, sugar and grains.

It is very important to remove or at least reduce sugars and grains from your diet.  Never use artificial sweeteners because of their chemical compounds.  Sugar and grains are a natural inflammatory.  Just like many carbs that metabolize into sugars and will cause you to gain weight.

Get rid of bad fats and add in more good fats

Replace most calories from carbs with healthy fat sources.   I rely on coconut oil, grass-fed butter (never margarine or butter substitutes), MCT oils, olive oils and avocado oils.  Other great sources are coconut milk, avocados, nuts and seeds (if tolerated), and fatty cuts of pasture-raised meats free of antibiotics or hormones.  You want to avoid highly processed vegetable oils like canola, safflower and soy at all cost because these are highly inflammatory.

Non-starchy vegetables

Make the switch as soon as possible to non-starchy vegetables and herbs.  Flooding the body with phytonutrients and antioxidants provides the body with nutrients that aid to combat free radical induced inflammation.  Small amounts of low-glycemic fruits like berries, lemons and limes are great too.

#4: Reduce Stress and Improve Sleep - Chronic stress causes rampant increases in the inflammatory bio-markers called cytokines.  When these cytokines markers are damaged, it is bad for our immune system which opens the door to infections or other illnesses.  One of the best ways to counteract the stressors of daily life is getting a great night’s sleep.  During sleep, your brain flushes out metabolic debris and the body is put into a deep healing state.

Chronic stress on top of poor sleep is a recipe for rapid degeneration of health.

Optimizing sleep can be achieved by eliminating artificial light during sleep.  Turn off all electronic devices at least one hour before bedtime.  Never sleep with a radio or TV on and it is best to remove such items totally out of your sleeping area.  Make sure the room is dark.  For every hour you sleep before midnight is equal to three hours after midnight.  Form a pre-sleep ritual such as reading a paper book, meditation, yoga.   Remember the blue light from electronic devices have a chemical effect on the brain which will affect your sleep.   Get into a sleep routine so your body rhythm gets in sync.

#5: Advanced Supplementation - In addition to the strategies listed above, there are certain supplements that have been shown to reduce or at least modify inflammation.  Chronic inflammation can be a challenge and sometimes an emotional challenge to overcome.  It is very important that you make sure a supplement is natural, plant-based and not synthetic or manufactured.  Cumin, Turmeric, Vitamin D, and Omega’s 3, 6 and 9 have all been shown to reduce inflammation.

Reducing inflammation needs to become a life-style choice. Almost all disease can be traced back to an inflammatory problem and that is why it is important to get your inflammation under control.

Eating clean, naturally grass-fed, cage free and not farm raised is a great start.

Be cautious about the amount of chemicals you encounter each day.  This is not just bug and ant killers.  You absorb many more chemicals through makeup, toothpaste, hair-care products, house-hold cleaners, detergents, nail polish, etc.  All these chemicals influence your body’s immune system which makes it much harder for the body to fight off the inflammation causing diseases.

Here is my good friend Venie, sharing her personal story.

How One Easy Step Stopped My Chronic Back Issues!

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