Did you set any New Year Resolutions?

Are you still staying on track? Don’t feel bad if you are not meeting your goals. Statistics say most people do not keep their resolutions and fall off quickly.
There is still hope if you struggle to stay on track and feel like you have tried everything possible.
If you want to feel better, drop excess weight/belly fat, lose that visceral fat once and for all, and gain lean muscle mass, I have a solution you want to consider!

Dr. Paul Arciero’s addition of protein pacing to our already unique Isagenix products!

Dr. Paul Arciero, Ph.D., is an accomplished exercise scientist who has researched intermittent fasting in partnership with Isagenix. He found that combining a balanced diet that incorporates Isagenix products, keeping consistent protein intake throughout the day, and intermittent fasting can help achieve long-term health loss goals, in addition to supporting markers of heart health and reducing oxidative stress.

Have you heard of Protein Pacing? This is a missing link I have been looking for all these years!

What is Protein Pacing?

Protein pacing, as defined by nutrition researcher Dr. Paul Arciero, involves strategically consuming healthy, lean protein foods at specific times of the day to maximize health and performance. It’s a holistic approach backed by recent studies, including those with Isagenix products, showcasing remarkable results.

Protein Pacing Nutrition is scientifically proven. Utilizing protein pacing with nutritional intermittent fasting is a game changer!

One consumes optimal quality protein in the optimal amounts at the right time of day.

I invite you to join me. I have an exclusive focus group just for you and will help you every step of the way!

Here is the link to the book if you want to order or learn more. https://amzn.to/3tXsVN9
Pam Foster
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