Have you ever noticed how some people just “live in the moment?”

With all the craziness this year has brought us, I think one of the greatest lessons I have learned to embrace more, is to live in the present moments and take notice of what is happening now. Not later, or after I do this, I will….but now. I choose now.

As God teaches, Draw near to me and I will draw near to you. Let’s take this holiday season to turn our hearts to God and to one another. Let’s embrace this beautiful season and remember why it is we are really celebrating. This Christmas, look into the eyes of those you love and thank God for them. Thank Him for the beautiful moments you have for the moments right now. 

I am one of those moms/grandma’s that documents everything! Anyone relate? I take tons of pictures. This year at Christmas, I have promised myself to take a few of the special moments and then put the phone down and “be in the moment” with those I love. Maybe I will just put the camera on record and just leave it there. 

This year has been a tough one, but with it so many blessings. I am choosing to focus on the good. Let’s leave what we don’t want in 2020 and move forward to 2021 with the new desires of our hearts and pray for this coming year. 

For those of you that have lost loved ones, jobs, finances, your hope, I encourage you to keep the faith and stay strong. Our God is able to do more than we can even comprehend or imagine. My heart breaks for those of you that are suffering this Christmas because there are empty seats around you that were once filled with the love of your loved ones. I encourage you to plug into resources that can help you. Plug into friends that have walked your path. The encouragement they will give you will help ease the pain. 

Here are three resources that I hope will help you. 

#1 Music-I grew up loving music and it is still a major part of my life. There are so many encouraging songs, podcasts, you tube videos, etc. that will uplift your spirits.

#2 Social Media positive groups-I would like to suggest my husband’s private group called Surviving From Loss. You can click here to request to join. charlesfoster.com/survivingfromloss

#3 Support groups-Many churces have groups you can join. Some are online and some are in person. If you are in our local Texas area, here is one I suggest. It is called Celebrate Recovery. Here is the link: https://www.firstcolonychurch.org/first-colony-celebrate-recovery/

Have a beautiful and blessed Christmas!

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