Easy smoothie bowl recipes you can make right from the comforts of your home! 

Undoubtedly, there are distinct advantages to smoothies in a glass, namely:

  1. Able to consume them more slowly. Have you ever poured yourself a delicious tasting smoothie, and within one minute, it’s gone? Me too. Serving smoothies in a bowl allows you to slow down, relax, and even ‘chew’ your smoothie bowl for great digestion.

  2. Delicious Toppings to choose from! Adding additional toppings to a traditional smoothie can be challenging, as they’ll get stuck in the straw. Not so with a delicious smoothie bowl.  You can add toppings galore to your healthy smoothie bowl's texture, flavor, and crunchiness.

  3. Feeling Full. Although some people don’t view smoothies as a complete meal –  they can be if you make them well. Besides, adding extra ingredients to healthy smoothie bowls will likely help you feel more satisfied. Plus, some even find that eating with a bowl and spoon feels more meal-like than drinking out of a glass.

First, start with ice, filtered water, and two scoops of protein powder. If you don't have a protein powder of choice, click here for my favorite!  

Next, you will want to make your smoothie thicker than a standard shake. Of course, add more ice if needed to make the smoothie the desired thickness.

Additionally, you will want to add your favorite toppings.

To illustrate where to start, check out these suggestions:

Yes, delicious toppings for your smoothie bowl!

  • Cinnamon
  • Granola
  • Peaches
  • Strawberries
  • Bananas
  • Toasted Unsweetened Coconut
  • Chia Seeds
  • Dark Chocolate Chips

And here's a quick video of the toppings above! Also, I did use Strawberry Protein Powder for this smoothie bowl. 

Click here to see the Ingredients for a smoothie bowl

Additionally, you can make smoothie bowls with any IsaLean Shake prepared with 1/2 cup cold purified water and 1/4 cup ice.

For Chocolate Smoothie Bowl: Any chocolate IsaLean Shake, topped with 2 sliced strawberries, 1 teaspoon sliced almonds, and 1 tablespoon toasted unsweetened coconut.

For Strawberry Smoothie Bowl: Any strawberry IsaLean Shake, topped with 1 teaspoon cacao nibs, 7 blueberries, and 1 teaspoon rolled oats.

Indeed, I love eating my smoothie with a spoon.  To say nothing of the crunchy and fresh fruit toppings!

To demonstrate, here's my step-by-step process of making this delicious smoothie bowl. 

Finally, for more delicious recipes, follow me on my Facebook Page here. 

Pam Foster

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