Recently, my husband and I attended a dear friend’s Celebration of Life Service. What a time of glorious reflection of a life well lived. The legacy this man had left in this world was very evident.

Of course, everyone who spoke had words of encouragement for the family and friends gathered, but what touched me most were the stories told of how this man had impacted each of their lives in such meaningful ways, Kingdom difference ways.

In reflection, I started asking myself questions…

  • How am I making a difference in others’ lives?
  • How will I be remembered?
  • Will people have stories of joy to share of how I hopefully have impacted their lives?
  • How will my husband, children, family, and friends remember me?
  • Have I made a Kingdom difference?
  • Have I lived my life in a way that others see Jesus in me?

It also impacted me that this wonderful man, who had lived a beautiful life of 70+ years, had a packed auditorium that came to support this loving family. I remember my mom saying to me, “Count yourself blessed if you can count on one hand the number of great friends you have in life.”

The famous Zig Ziglar has been remembered saying, “If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want.”

Another vital trait this friend of mine had is a servant’s heart.

I’m sure we all have experienced loss at some point in our lives, and if you haven’t yet, if you live long enough, you will.

Leaving a legacy involves making a lasting impact that extends beyond your lifetime.

  1. Philanthropy: Donate to causes and organizations that align with your values. Establishing a charitable foundation or contributing to existing ones can create a lasting impact.
  2. Educational Contributions: Support education through scholarships, endowments, or funding educational programs. This can empower future generations with knowledge and skills.
  3. Innovation and Inventions: If you have the skills and passion for it, contribute to advancements in science, technology, or other fields. Inventions and innovations can have a lasting impact on society.
  4. Artistic Expression: Create art, literature, music, or other forms of expression that resonate with people. Your creations can inspire and evoke emotions for generations to come.
  5. Environmental Stewardship: Advocate for and actively contribute to environmental conservation. Planting trees, supporting sustainable practices, and participating in conservation efforts can leave a lasting positive impact on the planet.
  6. Mentorship and Teaching: Share your knowledge and experiences by mentoring others. Teaching and guiding individuals can have a cascading effect as they, in turn, pass on their knowledge.

Here are some additional ways to leave a meaningful legacy.

  1. Family Values and Traditions: Instill positive values and traditions within your family. Passing down wisdom, traditions, and a strong sense of family identity can create a legacy that continues for generations.
  2. Business and Entrepreneurship: Build a successful business that provides for your family, creates jobs, and contributes positively to the community. Sustainable and ethical business practices can leave a lasting legacy.
  3. Health and Wellness Advocacy: Promote health and wellness initiatives within your community. Supporting healthcare, mental health awareness, or fitness programs can contribute to a healthier society.
  4. Community Involvement: Get involved in community projects, social causes, or volunteer work. Leaving a legacy at a local level can significantly impact the lives of those around you.
  5. Document Your Story: Write a memoir or document your experiences, lessons, and insights. Sharing your story can provide inspiration and guidance to others.
  6. Technology and Digital Contributions: Contribute to the digital world by creating apps, websites, or other technological solutions that address societal needs or challenges.

Remember, the key to leaving a lasting legacy is to align your efforts with your passions and values and to consider the positive impact your actions can have on individuals and communities over time.

I’d love to hear from you about how you will leave your legacy to the next generation.

Here’s a family photo of some of the great men/grandsons in our family as we gathered recently.

I encourage you to consider ways to talk to your children and grandchildren about the traditions we hold and treasure in our hearts.

One of our favorite ways to remember those who passed is to light a special candle on Christmas Eve with all our family. We call out their names and have a moment of silence.

My mom was my biggest cheerleader growing up. Here’s a photo of the two of us. Many people have shared with me how much we look alike.

How I have definitely changed over the years!

May you have a blessed Christmas season as you celebrate and love those around you!

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