Welcome to our Christmas in July Spotlight on your health.

I have always loved the sights, smells, sounds, and family time of the Christmas season, and I have always enjoyed Hallmark Christmas movies in July.

This season I thought, what could we do to allow us to enjoy the same warm feelings of Christmas AND tie it to help us feel better in our health? How can we make better choices this year so that we are in our best shape by December 25th this year?

So, let's start simple. What is one thing you would like to change in your health?

 Here are some top ideas people surveyed said they would like to improve their overall health. 

  • Sleep through the night
  • Have more energy
  • Feel better
  • Healthier eating habits
  • Lose weight
  • Cut down inflammation
  • Stop sugar cravings
  • Start to exercise
  • Less stress
  • Look younger

I encourage you to pick one or two things and concentrate on those for the next 31 days. Just think of where your health could be by Christmas this year if you did something similar every month! 

I have created a calendar for you, and every day, it has a new suggestion of one thing you can do that day. For instance, let's take exercise…

It’s not always easy to get to the gym or keep up a daily routine, but what if you parked a little further when you ran your errands every day, you parked a little further from the front door of your workplace? Can you see how you can build in this little tip to the structure of what you are already doing each day? 

If you like this idea and you think of someone that would enjoy doing this along with you, please share. 

As promised, here are some tips for the next 31 days to shine a Spotlight on Ways to Improve your Health. Click here for the video and calendar.

Take these tips or add your own. Just start daily doing one thing better than you did the day before. Think about a 1% improvement every day!

For more tips like these, Join our Facebook Group

And, Since it is July, Happy 4th of July to YOU and your loved ones!

Need some quick and easy recipes for the 4th? Click here



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Pam Foster~Healthy Living~Vocal Health Tips~         Click Here To Learn More