Did you know that June is Men’s Health Month? Seems like each month there are great things to focus upon and along with Men’s Health Month, we also bring our attention to Father’s Day!

Who is the hero in your life? Maybe your Dad, your Grandfather or maybe someone that came alongside you and stepped in as that figure for you in your life? We all have people we can say thank you to that came into our lives at the right time.

Today, I was reading on social media about several of my friends whose sons are graduating from high school. They were reflecting on all the wonderful men who had blessed their sons through their teachings, Scouts, mission trips, Bible studies, and mentorships over the years. What a blessing that is! I encourage us all to take time this month to say thank you to those that have blessed our lives in similar ways.

So, what can you do this month in support of Men’s Health Month? The month of June is dedicated to Men’s Health Month to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys. There is plenty you can do to support the men in your life this month including:

Speak Up

Spread the word about Men’s Health Month by talking to your family and friends and encouraging them to get their annual health screenings because early detection saves lives. Your social media account(s) is an effective platform to share information and educate people about men’s health issues.

Get Active

Take your dad/brother/uncle/grandfather on a hike, play a round of golf, or shoot some hoops together. Not only will you get your heart rate up, but you’ll also have fun while spending quality time with your favorite men. Staying active and being physically fit help men live longer, lower their risk of certain diseases, and improve their quality of life. I also recommend quality vitamins. If you want to know what we use, click here. Get out in the sunshine and get some good Vitamin D too! 

Give Them Some Love

And of course, give them a great big hug and tell them how much you love and appreciate them! 

My newsletter this past week focuses on Men’s Health Month.

If you have not subscribed yet, click here to do so. 


Pam Foster

Here’s the link to my private group?Lots of great healthy tips for you and your family!



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