Did you know that of the people that set New Year’s Resolutions, 90% fail? I’m going to share with you a specific way you can boost that number to a 95% success rate by following this one specific step.

Your goal may have been to exercise more, get in shape, drop some weight, gain some weight, spend more time with family, have a weekly date night, read one book a week, etc. It can be anything that you want to put into motion.

I’m here to tell you this one element will help you to stay the course and help you on your journey.

Have you ever heard about an accountability partner? Some people call them success buddy, or peak performance partner….whatever the name the very thought of having someone you have to report to, makes your mind shift and think differently.

Did you know that most New Year’s Resolutions fail 90% of the time?
But, those that have a specific plan to track their goals, their success goes up 50%!
Those that declare to other people about what they specifically want to achieve, their goal probability of reaching that goal goes up to 65%!
But, here’s the best news! Statistics show those that are committing to one person and reporting to that one person consistently, the probability of success goes up to 95%!!!!!

Do you see the benefits now of an accountability partner?

Now, let’s talk about what an accountability partner is not.
There are several myths that just aren’t true.
1. This person does not need to be your mentor
2. This person does not need to be better than you, meaning already achieved where you want to be
3. This person does not need to be even in your same industry.

So, now here’s what they DO need to be:
1. Someone that will commit to you consistently and show up every time at your allotted time you both set to meet and hold you to it.
2. Ask you the questions….Last week you told me you were going to…… Did you do that?
3. If not, how are you going to change that this week?
It is never threatening or in a cold tone, just a warm loving person that cares about you and wants you to succeed, but will hold your feet to the fire!

Now, think of what your goals are and what you want to achieve.
Have you written them down?
Do you have a plan of action to track those goals?
Now, who do you know that will stand by you to help you?

I hope these tips have helped you! If you like what you have heard, remember to LIKE and SHARE this video!

Click Here to see the Full Video- Thursday With Pam- Accountability Partner-Episode 18

May you find courage to be yourself today!

Remember, you are valuable, you are loved and you are enough. Be Your Best YOU!

Do you know what’s happening in just 2 more days? Our next IsaBody Challenge begins! WE all will be doing this together and you will access to my Private Facebook group where we will all be sharing our stories, bumps in the road, challenges, how to overcome our cravings, share our wins and our goals.
Even a special app that you will help you track your progress.

If you are looking to get rid of some extra belly fat, maybe gain some lean muscle back, or just have some renewed energy…reach out to me today on the message button on my facebook page here.

Many of you have already joined me. At last count, we have 50+ people doing this specific challenge with us. It’s not too late….You can still join us!

Join In The Conversation Below!


Pam Foster~Healthy Living~Vocal Health Tips~         Click Here To Learn More