Better Than A Sleeping Pill!

Do you ever have trouble winding down from the day’s activities and work schedules but don’t want to use a sleeping pill to fall asleep at night?

Studies continue to show the fantastic benefits of a healthy night’s rest, but many people struggle. Some of the issues related to poor sleeping habits seem to start with how you spend your day.

First, do your best to wake up and sleep at the same time each day, even on the weekends when the temptation is to sleep in later. This helps your body’s internal clock optimize the quality of your sleep.

If you tend to nap during the day, limit it to 15-20 minutes.

Work in brightly lit areas. Lighting is important, and you want to have your body in a well-lit room. The optimum would be natural sunlight. Tip: Go outside and stand on Mother Earth for a few minutes barefoot.

Here are some ways to wind down to a relaxing evening at home, snuggle up in those warm covers, and finally get a good night’s rest.

Avoid TV, computer screens, tablets, etc., 1-2 hours before bedtime.

Make sure your room is dark. If not, wear a sleep mask to block out the light.

Finish your workout at least 3 hours before bedtime.

Limit caffeine before bedtime.

Deepen your breathing as you lie down.

Think about all the good things that happened that day, not what you must achieve tomorrow.

BONUS TIP: One of the best things I have learned is to clear my head before bed. I have a notebook in which I write out what has to get done the next day, including phone calls & appointments. One tip is to keep a small pad and pen beside your bed. When the thoughts start coming in, do a “brain dump!” Get the pad and pen and start emptying your head of those thoughts. It helps to clear your mind and then, if need be, read a few pages of a good book. Then, off to dreamland again!

If you are still struggling with sleep after using these tips and want to know other alternatives I personally use, I suggest looking at our Sleep Support for better sleep.

WHO do you know that has sleep problems? I invite you to share this article with them.

So there you have some fantastic ideas to help you sleep the night away without all the drugs! Let me know how I can help! You can always connect with me over on my facebook page here.


Pam Foster



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