Sitting at my desk this morning, I was feeling a little agitated. I stopped to listen to the sounds around me and realized a fan was on that was making a terrible ticking noise, but I felt I needed to keep it on as it was helping me to keep cool.

I thought to myself, turn it off for a minute. Wow! Immediately, I felt my body get calm with the stillness and quietness all around me. Then, our air conditioning kicked in, and oh well, here we go again with the noise. 

In addition, it got me to think about all the noise, hustle, and bustle we live in daily. Just stop for a second and listen to the noises around you. Even now, what do you hear? 

At this time, I suggest you turn off all the noises around you that you control and see if you feel any difference.

A recent article stated that “dialing down the noise may offer significant psychological and mental health advantages.”

For example, here are 7 of the noted benefits from the article. 

  • Mindfulness
  • Self-awareness
  • Stimulates the brain
  • Stress relief
  • Helps you process
  • Boosts creativity
  • Helps you concentrate

In addition, the next time you have some free time, think of the quiet things you can do that bring peace and calmness to your body.

  1. I encourage you to grab a book and your favorite beverage.
  2. Take a walk in your neighborhood without the earbuds. Listen to the natural sounds around you.
  3. One of my favorites is a long, hot bubble bath!

Subsequently, the choice is ours to make. I wish you a delightful and peaceful day! Click the photo for more self-care tips! 

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