A Moving Experience…by Pam Foster

The holidays are such a wonderful time for food, friends, food, fellowship, food, football, food…
This does not count the candy, cakes, pies and every dessert under the sun. On top of all these
things are the other toxins in our environment, water, and the toxins in the soil our fruits and
vegetables are grown in which makes you wonder, where do all of those toxins go when I breathe,
eat, drink and digest them? Ever wonder how toxins affect the body? Ever wonder what they are
doing to my long term health?

I asked these questions several years ago and went on a search to improve my health. As I was
aging, I did not realize how the toxins I had consumed when I was young are just not showing
up in the form of poor health. So it was not only from my younger years, but the world and the
environment I live in continues to become more and more toxic and that translates to me and my

I am sure you are not aware of the glut of articles on the harmful effects of sugar on our bodies,
yet it always intrigues me that the media will take one topic of the day and make that the arch
enemy for everyone, everyday. The fact is, it is not sugar or salt for instance that is bad for our
bodies, but the abundance of those items that become harmful. Just like if you give a child a large
bag of M&M’s, (and I am not an advocate of M&M’s), yet it is not the M&M’s that per say that are
harmful, but eating the whole bag would be. In fact, I know you have heard that if you sat a child
down with a large bag of that candy, they would consume the whole bag in one sitting. That is
what we as adults are doing when we continue to eat on-the-run the fast foods, eating late at night,
and unaware of what we are putting in our bodies.

Eating salt in not so bad, but you must realize that most foods today are loaded with salt. The
same with sugars, but when your body consumes natural unprocessed salts and sugars, your body
knows what to do with it and how to utilize it properly.

Highly processed products with natural sounding names react the same way. Because your body does not know how to process them, the body stores them as fats at the cellular level and there comes a point if not dealt with properly, some of those cells go bad creating diseases.

We not only collect toxins from an overabundance of highly processed foods, but also from our
water in the forms of some 240 chemicals approved by the FDA which are now being discovered
as harmful to our cells. Chlorine, chloramines, VOC which are volatile organic compounds which
cause nervous system damage. Trihalomethanes or THMs including chloroform and Perchlorates
which are linked to thyroid and developmental problems and Fluoride, are such a few of such
chemicals that scientists are reporting to be carcinogenic cancer causing toxins. Our air is packed
with harmful toxins from a huge variety of sources. Sadly, your urine will not remove toxins from
your body, nor does your kidneys.

Some subtle signs of toxin overload are:
Brain Fog
Low Energy Levels
Unusual Smelling Body Order
Chemical Sensitivities
Physical Aches and Pains
Skin Issues

According to the Center for Disease Control more that 13 million people are exposed to potentially
harmful chemicals absorbed through the skin alone. Exposure to toxins is pretty inevitable and
it may be impossible to completely eliminate toxic exposure. The filtering system in our body
does help to filter these toxins, but then those organs become overwhelmed with toxicity and they
become diseases. There is an answer.

Now, with that depressing information under your belt, let me tell you what I do to protect me and
my family from such toxins. When you hear the word detox, you can find them on every store
shelve and most TV ads. Sadly, some of these products are worse than your consumed toxins.
Make sure you know what you are putting in your body. You only have one and it is vital to care
for it properly. This is what I do to maintain good health.

First, we drink filtered what which removes all of water toxins. We had to go through several
different types of systems before we found one that really removed all those harmful chemicals.

Second, we use chemical free cleaners, detergents, shampoo, toothpaste, mouthwash, soap to bath
with and soap to wash our hands. Everything you touch, smell, taste transmits toxins into your
body so it is impossible to avoid everything in life.

Third, we supplement good nutrition into our daily intake so that when we lack nutrition in our food supply or we have a busy day when fast food was the only answer, our body has what it needs to maintain good health.

The Fourth and probably the most important activity we do is use a product that naturally detoxes our body without chemicals. Synthetic detoxes, I believe do more harm that good and that is why I only use one natural product which cleans my kidneys, liver and colon at the cellular level naturally. If you are interested, I can show you how I use it. The reason I titled this blog, “A Moving Experience”, is because about eight hours after drinking this hot cup of, what I call nectar of enjoyment, I have a moving experience in which my body rids itself of all of the toxins I have absorbed over the past few days. I will do this once or twice a week, before bedtime and it naturally works. It is not a laxative, and does not give anyone diarrhea, but it naturally cleanses my system of the bad stuff, making room for good nutrition and hydration. This alone gives me more energy and I just feel better without the harmful stuff, clouding my system. Plus, healthier cells, means healthier everything and I love it.

If you have questions, contact me for more information.

To learn more about my number 1 Detox product that I personally use weekly, reach out to me here.

Pam Foster

Blog: www.pamfosteronline.com

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