Back To School Fun, But Is Your CHILD Ready?

It’s definitely the season, “Back To School” and it is all about to begin for teachers, students, administrators and for busy moms & dads! Many have already gotten back in their classrooms preparing and setting up for the school year ahead. Summer fun and all the summertime activities are dwindling down and people are gearing up for Back To School! The aisles are full of supplies, backpacks, etc.

Back to School
Back to School

In all the busyness of preparations:

Sometimes we focus on the activities and not the mental state of preparation. As an educator myself, it is important that we stop to look at our own situations at home. If you have a child starting school (whatever their age), along with the excitement, there are also anxieties that come with all the NEW things and situations…who will my teacher be, where will I sit, will I make new friends, how do I open a locker? etc. Take the time this week to talk with your children, grandchildren…ask them what they are excited about. Are they looking forward to meeting their new teacher? Making new friends? Then, as the school year progresses take time to re-evaluate and keep in check with their emotional state of mind. Kids need to enjoy learning and we as their parents, teachers and grandparents need to keep our eyes open for any signs of change, so that our kiddos get their best learning experiences and not stress out. School is a place to learn and our teachers need your support.

Side note: When a teacher calls you, don’t go on the defense. They are there to help you and your child.

  • Remember these two tips as you head Back To School:
  • It’s not about you
  • It’s about your child

Stay tuned here on my blog for more stories and tips as we walk this school year together!

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