If you are one of the millions of women who wake up every morning afraid to step on the
bathroom scale because you have no idea from day to day what reading you will get, you
are not alone. Snacking between meals is something many struggle with on a daily basis.

Learning to eat healthy snacks between meals that give you energy,

will help you to stay on course. 

You try very hard to lose those extra pounds only to lose a few and gain them back with
a few additional pounds. You may feel like giving up because every diet plan you try fails
you. When you first lost your first pounds you were excited only to wake up a different day
wondering where the added pounds came from. The world of dieting is a multi-billion dollar
business that keeps people on a roller coaster ride for life.
You know that those extra pounds have more serious repercussions than just how you look
in the mirror. Those extra pounds are linked to an increase in body inflammation which have
been linked to autoimmune diseases and other illnesses such as cancer.
Research shows more than 80% of people with obesity who lose weight gain it back.
Retaining obese weight numbers can have a multitude of health repercussions, including
an increase in bodily inflammation, which has been linked to autoimmune diseases and
other illnesses such as cancer.
Still, research shows more than 80% of people with obesity who lose weight gain it back.
With over 45 million women and 54 million men which is 39.6% of American adults are
obese, it is no wonder millions are looking to lose those extra pounds.
There are reasons why you cannot seem to exit this weight loss roller coaster. When your
body is not getting the proper nutrition it needs to function correctly, it goes into starvation
mode. This means it compensates by holding on to every calorie to use as energy or fuel.
When the body is starved, it fights to survive by holding on to anything you give it
whether it is good or bad. Basically, your body does not trust you to give it what it needs.
By storing every consumed calorie, these extra calories end up as extra pounds. You find
yourself frustrated with the extra weight and frantically go after the next diet program
you see advertised promising quick weight loss. Then, when you find yourself on the next
round of the weight-loss roller coaster, the stress and depression from the failure to lose
weight triggers chemical changes in the body. Hormonal responses add even more weight
and you begin to think it is impossible to lose weight.
This roller coaster ride has harmed many people with this fad diet trap.
Eating habits can help, but without proper nutrition, the body will remain in starvation
mode. When you tell yourself that you “can’t” have this food or that food, you will find that
you only want what you can’t have. Thus, failing again.

Proper Hydration is Key!

If you want to get off this roller coaster, do the following:
Start out by drinking the proper amounts of water. 75% of Americans fall short of the 10 cups
of water each day prescribed by the Institute of Medicine which means most people in the U.S.
are suffering from Chronic Dehydration.
Use this simple scale:
Take your weight, divide it by 2 and drink that amount of water in ounces per day. If you
weigh 200 pounds, you should be drinking at least 100 ounces of water per day. When you
drink water, make every effort to drink filtered water which has the chemicals removed.
Many of the chemicals in our Nations water supply block the absorption of water into
your cells. You may feel like you are drinking a lot of water, when it is just passing through
your system. When your body is properly hydrated, you will actually feel less hungry.
Many times, when you are hungry, your body is dehydrated.
When you begin to give your hydrated body proper nutrition, after a period of time,
the body begins to release unneeded calories. When this happens, you will begin to see
a reduction in inches and then pounds. Also, your cravings will decrease because the
body will have the nutrition necessary for survival. Dieting never works because it is not
sustainable. Good health is a lifestyle. Because good health is a lifestyle, it is necessary that
you make changes slowly and consistently. Making too many changes too fast will derail
your efforts.

Click here to access my FREE FAVORITE 20 Healthy Between Meals Snack guide

20 Healthy Between Meal Snacks That Give You Energy!
Healthy Snacks That Give You Energy!



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