Spring is definitely in the air!

My sister took this picture of the climbing jasmine in her front yard. The first shows the beautiful blooms up close. The second image shows how massive this plant blooms yearly.

What I love most is that it is from our mom’s yard! Our mom passed in 2001. Each year, when this blooms and we smell the sweet aroma, it takes me back to my mom’s green thumb. I remember all our joyous times together.

Growing up, I remember we had one of those flickering gas light posts in our front yard. My mom let the jasmine grow around the light post in a big circle of blooms, and she would trim it back each year.

Now, my sister and our family enjoy it each year.

What are some of your favorite passed-down memories from your family? I’d love to hear them!

Spring is here, and new things are blooming and growing; what about you and your health?

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