For as far back as I can remember, I have always loved the Christmas holiday season.

I am blessed with sweet memories with my mom and family. Do you remember your favorite gift as a child? Mine was Snuggles. She was my best friend for years and years, and we went everywhere together. I actually still have her. She needs a little tender care: one of her arms needs to be repaired.

Looking at Santa pictures of my children growing up through all the years is a particular time of joy, too. What are some of your favorite memories? Remember when Foley’s was the place to shop? This is one of my favorite times for playing in the snow with the huge Clydesdale horses nearby.

People often say the saddest day of the year for them is December 26th.

They now have to wait an entire year to celebrate Christmas again. But do we really? We can celebrate Christmas every day of the year! I am one of those people who listen to Christmas music year-round and love the way I feel listening to music. It reminds me of our joy and, of course, the reason for Christmas: Christ’s birth!

Keeping out a little Christmas year-round.

  1. Celebrate Mini-Christmas Events: Set aside specific days to celebrate mini-Christmas events throughout the year. These could include festive dinners, gift exchanges, or decorating your home with Christmas lights and ornaments. You can keep the spirit alive in smaller doses by spreading the Christmas joy.
  2. Create a Christmas Tradition Calendar: Establish a calendar of Christmas traditions you can partake in throughout the year. This might involve monthly activities such as baking Christmas cookies, watching holiday movies, or volunteering for charitable causes. Having a structured plan will help you maintain the festive spirit year-round.
  3. Incorporate Christmas Decor in Home Design: Integrate subtle Christmas decorations into your home decor that can stay up all year. Consider using lights, wreaths, or ornaments that blend seamlessly with your regular decor. This way, you’ll have a touch of Christmas in your everyday surroundings.
  4. Christmas Music Playlist: Create a Christmas music playlist that you can listen to throughout the year. Play it during various activities like cooking, working, or driving. Music is associated with memories and emotions, so having those joyful Christmas tunes in the background can help maintain the holiday spirit.
  5. Plan Christmas-Themed Get-Togethers: Host occasional gatherings with family and friends centered around Christmas themes. It could be a summer barbecue with a Christmas twist or a springtime picnic with holiday-inspired decorations. By infusing holiday elements into social events, you can keep the Christmas spirit alive in a fun and interactive way.

Here are 5 more ways of keeping Christmas around all year!

  1. Find a Unique Ornament you love: Display it in a place you see or walk by every day. You can also hang it on a lamp where you read daily.
  2. Spread Kindness: Think of someone you can call, send a card, or meet for coffee.
  3. Christmas Movie Night: Pick a night of your choosing. Wear your Christmas PJs and watch a recorded Hallmark movie. Yes, of course, popcorn!
  4. Bake Your Favorite Christmas Dessert: Keep your favorite Christmas dessert recipe handy. Pick a day and bake! Pop in your Christmas playlist! Invite the grandchildren to join you!
  5. Start a Gratitude Journal

    Embrace the spirit of gratitude by starting a journal where you regularly jot down things you’re thankful for. Reflecting on the positive aspects of your life can cultivate a sense of joy reminiscent of the Christmas season. With a bit of creativity and a lot of Christmas spirit, you can celebrate the season’s magic all year long.

    These 10 ways can infuse your life with joy, warmth, and the essence of Christmas, regardless of the date on the calendar.

    After all, who says the most wonderful time of the year can’t be every day?

As we face this New Year, you might enjoy this article on living in the moment.



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