Preventing Long-Term Weight Gain

Taking proactive steps will help us all avoid unwanted pounds this year. 

The following article contains an excerpt from our Company Blog and some personal tips!

As we age, unwanted fat accumulates in our bodies slowly and steadily. However, when looking at weight gain patterns, this fat accumulation appears to occur over a relatively short, specific period of time — the winter holiday season. Of course, these intermittent periods of fat gain can compound over the years. This can result in significant weight gain. 

The holiday season can equal weight gain for many. In the U.S., the winter holiday season tends to last around six weeks, from Thanksgiving to New Year’s. The weight gain during this time ranges from 2-5 pounds. This is often retained during the following spring and summer.  

Indeed, researchers have proposed that the few extra pounds gained each year during the holiday season might be a significant factor in the pattern of gradual weight gain that most of us experience throughout our lives. For instance, a large, nationally representative health study data shows the following. Starting in our early 20s, many of us gain an average of 1-2 pounds each year. By the time we reach our 60s, we weigh about 40 pounds more than we did when we graduated high school. 

It’s no surprise that the holidays are a time of overconsumption. The season is rife with longer eating durations, easy access to food, and eating socially in the presence of others. The most problematic is increased portion sizes. 

Given these statistics, holiday overeating is a prime target for weight management. In fact, focusing on keeping weight off during the holiday season may be the best way to prevent long-term weight gain. 

Don’t play the never-ending catch-up game. 

Prevailing advice revolves around losing weight in the time following the holidays. But it doesn’t always work. When the damage is done, even those with a post-holiday weight control plan have difficulty “recovering” from the holidays. In contrast, a more proactive approach would be to have a plan of action to avoid gaining weight in the first place. 

There are several dietary tips you can implement during the holiday season to minimize or prevent holiday weight gain. But the most powerful tool lies in consistently following a well-rounded nutritional plan

In this regard, a scientifically validated system can support your individual goals of preventing weight gain and keeping weight off long-term. By taking a proactive approach during the holidays, annual weight gain can be more easily avoided. 

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