Welcome to our 7 Day WellBeing Reset!

This isn’t just a reset-this is a full week to reconnect with yourself.

Ever tried to start something and you were all in and then for whatever reason, you just lost interest or didn’t keep up with the plan?

With our 7 Day WellBeing Reset, you will have extra support in ways you have never had before. Not to mention, the way your body is going to feel at the end of the 7 days! 

So how awesome would it be to take a full week to introduce your body to nutrient-dense meals and adaptogens to help you better adapt to stress?

That’s exactly what we are going to do! This straightforward routine was created to help you get results in a week. This 7 Day Reset is based on our clinically validated weight loss system. 

You will find it easier to:

  • Burn fat
  • Fight cravings
  • Manage stress
  • Sleep better
  • Improve nutrition
  • Cleanse safely

Your Wellness Routine for the 7 days consists of Shake Days and Cleanse Days. In addition, on your shake days, you will have one 400-600 calorie fork and knife meal you prepare. Undoubtedly, we are teaching you ways of a Lifestyle that you will be able to maintain. 

To begin, Days 1-3 and 5-7 of your Reset are designed to provide optimal nutrition. Then, on Day 4, you’ll follow our clinically supported method of intermittent fasting. (along with some awesome delicious tasting snacks)

Now, watch this quick 2′ video: 

Also, you will receive tips for success and full support of our private Facebook community!

Results in 7 Days

So, are you ready to move forward with your 7 Day WellBeing Reset? YES, click here to order! Your kit will be sent directly to you!

Now, join me on my Private Facebook Community so you can grab more tips, recipes and support as you start your journey to better health!

Remember, it’s all about taking the baby steps and concentrating on being 1% better than you were the day before. 

Last, but not least, I believe in you! Without a doubt, you can do this! Let’s do this together! 

Pam Foster

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Pam Foster~Healthy Living~Vocal Health Tips~         Click Here To Learn More