I just love the cover photo of this blog post and how it suggests “Be the Rainbow In Someone’s Cloud today.” I was on social media and a friend of mine had just posted it with that tag line. And so, I asked if I could share it and of course, she said yes! 

(Photo: Kelli Gaines)

What comes to mind when you think of rainbows? As children, we learned the story of Noah and the rainbow promise from God: 

Have you ever met someone and you realize right away, they have that something special?  Then again, they inspire others and light up the room! I began thinking how can we be a light to those we meet? 

Did you know that children laugh so much more than adults? For that reason, maybe we all need to grab a bit of the child in us and share with others. Coincidently, I read recently:

Research suggests that children laugh up to 300 times per day, which is miles off the average 17.5 times that us grown-ups let out a chuckle.


Of course, children do have less stress and worries than adults have, but we can all still strive to enjoy and laugh a bit more! And one thing we all can offer others is a smile. 

As we age, we tend to have a filter in place that children just don’t have. Comparatively, think of how something really funny could happen and as adults, we would never laugh at the moment. In contrast, children on the other hand, just laugh! Because: No filter! In addition, I love the innocence children bring. 

Moving about our days and weeks ahead,

“What are some ways we can be more in the moments and present with those in our presence?”

Just yesterday, I heard a podcast and this was the focus: Live in the present. Take it all in.

Hence, I have recently stopped taking a million photographs. I used to think I needed to document everything. Now, I love being present with our family/children/grandchildren and of course, still capture the moments as I can.

Ask yourself: “When I go to a restaurant with a friend, am I really present with them or is my phone on the table “just in case…?”

These are all the things I have been thinking about lately and I guess part of this is age. Consequently, the older we get, we tend to appreciate the younger childlike laughter of those around us even more.

Next, I urge you all to be in the moment this week. See what a difference it can make not only in your life, but those around you. We never know what people are going through. And so, offering a gentle smile could make all the difference to that person. 

Let’s be the rainbow in someone’s cloud this week. Smile and make a difference. 

Finally, I invite you to share our private Facebook group with anyone you know right now that is having a difficult time with loss and is finding it difficult to smile. This could be loss in their job, loss of a friend, family member. This group is safe and offers encouragement and support. 

Here’s the link to join our Private Facebook group called Surviving From Loss. 

Pam Foster


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