Today’s reality. Better than my childhood dream!

Today’s reality. Better than my childhood dream! 

I knew from a little girl that I would be a teacher. I chose the path of Music Education because those are the two things I loved most: Singing and Teaching

Teaching in the classroom and watching for those “light bulb” moments when my students would finally “get it” were the moments that brought me great joy. People would ask me, don’t you get tired of teaching? Truly, the answer was no. Each year, new students walked excitedly into my classroom and newly composed music waited to be sung. I could hardly wait to see all those smiling faces after the summer months off.

(Well, if you want to call it off.) There really is no time off when you love what you do. Of course, even in the summer months, I attended continuing education classes/workshops, listened to music, played through new songs, planned the year ahead, booked events, venues, trips, summer camps, etc. 

For 25 years I taught and still to this day, many of my students keep in touch with me. 

Gathering my thoughts before my Premier Concert in Carnegie Hall.

What I did not like were certain untruthful and unsupportive administrators who had no respect for the teacher. After my second time of being told “the program was going in another direction” and my services were no longer needed, I called it quits from the classroom environment. I finally said enough. I knew there was more for me to do; just not in the school classroom.

Today, I am partnered with a top global net-work marketing company! Being a part of something I truly believe in and know I am still able to make a difference in people’s lives, just in a different way, is an answer to my prayers.  

Helping people make healthier choices for themselves and their families and create residual income from home is what brings purpose to my day. The power of residual income is amazing! I wish I had known the benefits of this model much sooner. 

Love working from home on my own time table

Also, these are market disruptive products you can’t get anywhere else. Equally important, the benefits of better health and continual growing residual income provide more than my classroom teaching ever did! I am still fulfilling my lifetime dream of teaching; now with a worldwide classroom with unlimited students. 

We have a growing community global culture and offer support to help you reach your goals. Therefore, I invite you to take a look. Stop trading time for dollars and see what is possible. And, you choose your own path: work this part time alongside what you already do or full time like me. 

Tired of the rat race? I was too. I made a decision to make a change and you can too. It’s not too late to start. 

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