Cold Winter months can bring on a sense of depression with the clouds, rain, cold, and minimal sunshine in our lives. So, how do we best handle this so we feel energetic and lose the “blues?” Here are some quick tips to help overwhelm and stress.

What we eat, listen to, think about and do affects our everyday lives.

Eating Choices:

What foods help us beat depression?

Experts say it’s important to eat a balanced, Mediterranean-style diet. But some nutrients are particularly helpful. Here are some examples, and which foods supply them.

Vitamin B6: An ingredient needed to produce serotonin, the main neurotransmitter that regulates mood and sleep. Too little serotonin is associated with depression. We need Vitamin B6 every day from our diet.

Sources: Pistachios. Garlic. Salmon and tuna. Chicken. Spinach. Cabbage. Bananas. Sweet potatoes. Avocados. Whole grains.

DHA: The main omega-3 fat in the brain. It promotes production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a hormone that protects neurons and promotes the birth of new brain cells.

Sources: Wild salmon. Oysters. Anchovies. Mackerel. Mussels.

Prebiotics: Foods that the good microbes in our gut need to stay alive.

Sources: Onions. Asparagus. Artichokes. Garlic. Bananas. Oats.

Probiotics: Live bacteria and yeasts that replenish the good bacteria in our microbiome.

Sources: Yogurt. Sauerkraut. Kefir. Kimchi or other fermented vegetables, such as turnips, cucumbers or carrots.

Next, think about what you are listening to.

Is it the news and negative head talk? If so, change it and turn off the news. You can easily get updates and weather reports on your phone.

What books are you reading?

Choose something positive. Download a great book to your phone. Listen to encouraging uplifting podcasts. Create a music playlist that are your favorites.

Now is the time to do a self check and decide today, no more. You are in control. 

What we do:

Here are 5 Quick Tips to do today! 


1. Take 5 items to the garbage.

2. Take 5 items and put them away.

3. Take 5 items and re-home them somewhere else.

4. Take 5 items you no longer need and put aside to sell or donate.

5. Take 5 items and clean them up.

Remember, move forward with positive action steps today! 

It’s the start that stops most people. Just choose one of the above and start!

I would love to hear which step you will start with today! Comment below with your positive action step.

Here’s another recent post of mine to help with Overwhelm and stress

If you like healthy tips and stories of success, I invite you to join my Private Facebook group! 

Pam Foster


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