Ever heard the saying that, “April Showers Bring May Flowers?”

I distinctly remember my mom saying that and she did have the most beautiful roses in our backyard. Me? Not so much…just ask my husband. I did not get that “gift.” However, I will say today our amaryllis is blooming! So, maybe I do! Did you know there were so many beautiful colors? 

With it being April 1, I thought what does that really mean? So of course, we ask Google: 

"April showers bring May flowers" is a reminder that even the most unpleasant of things, in this case the heavy rains of April, can bring about very enjoyable things indeed -- even an abundance of flowers in May.

How did this fun saying originate? 

April Showers Bring May Flowers: A History

The poem as we know it today originated all the way in 1157, in the form of a short poem written by Thomas Tusser. The poem can be found in the April section of a collection of his writings titled, “A Hundred Good Points of Husbandry.”

We all can agree, we have had heaviness with unpleasant things, situations, relationships, and so much more this past year. Even this year, we have had some crazy weather in our area with freezing temperatures in months we have never experienced in my 64 years on Earth. So, with all this, let's look forward at this new April as cleansing the unpleasant things and bringing in the good things. 

I love fresh starts!

Would you agree that is why we all look forward to the New Year with anticipation of new resolutions? It doesn't take a New Year to make it happen. We can start today! I encourage you to take some time to look at this Holy Easter season with reflections, renewals and the new things to come! Reminds me of past, present and future. What is in your control right now, that you need to start letting go of or eliminate all together? Not everything is in our control or on our time table, but we can take positive actions to start. 

Bonus Tip: How to care for my Amaryllis Plants after blooming.

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Happy Easter!


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