Research has shown that 27% of children’s daily calories may come from snack foods, meaning there’s a whole lot more value packed in a snack than we often give credit for. It’s so important to have snacks that work with you and not against you. On-the-go snack options saturate the market these days, but not all snacks are created equal (or nutritious, for that matter).

Taking care of kids is a full-time job. It’s safe to say all caretakers (moms, dads, grandparents, teachers, etc.) know this. But, feeding them and making sure they get the nutrition they need to thrive and grow every day can be a daunting challenge all on its own.


How many times have you heard your kids say,

“I’m hungry!” only to hear them say it again an hour later?

What’s Snacking?

Snacks are an integral part of any kid’s day, especially with school schedules, sports commitments, and extracurricular clubs. Kids need fuel to get them through their long days. So, when shopping for snacks, most parents are looking for ones that can provide sustenance, nutrition, flavor, convenience, and taste. Here are a few questions to ask yourself before making your next snack purchase:

  • Can I take this on-the-go with me?
  • Does this have adequate nutrition?
  • Is it easy to eat?
  • Would I eat this, too?

10 TOP Nutritious On the Go Snacks and You Feel Satisfied!

It’s important to give your kids options so they feel like they’re active players in their own health. Empower them to feel confident when making a snack choice. Rotate the options in the snack pantry, and keep them stocked with a variety of colors and flavors. The more nutritious options you provide kids, the more inclined they are to reach for the “good stuff” and leave the sugar-coated stuff behind!

Snacking is serious but not scary! Turn snack time into a fun and fulfilling experience for your kids so they can start forming healthy habits to last a lifetime.

For my 20 Healthy Between Meals Snack Guide Click Here NOW!


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