You may have recently found yourself working from home and although this can be great, you may be struggling with all the distractions that come from your new work environment to make your days the most productive possible.

I have been working from home for years and I am happy to share with you my top 10 tips that help make my day flow more efficiently.

  1. Get up at a regular time, stretch/exercise, dress for success. 
  2. Eat a nutritious breakfast or have a shake that provides you the nutrition your body needs. Have your snacks handy, otherwise you tend to grab unhealthy choices in your pantry or fridge.
  3. Set a time for personal development. Read 5 pages of a good book, Bible study, prayer time, etc. Write (yes, really handwritten) cards to those you can encourage.
  4. Designated work area. Your new happy place. Make sure it is well lit, window light is great, have your favorite photos around you, etc. I also have a diffuser going in my office with great uplifting aromas!
  5. Turn off your notifications or definitely turn your phone over so you are not being distracted during your focused project times, etc.
  6. Working in time blocks is one of my favorite ways to make sure I get things completed. 
  7. Move~make sure to get up and move about. Take an afternoon walk.
  8. Relax, smile, take a break mid day to stop and meditate or just listen to music or a great podcast. 
  9. Before bed, plan out your day for tomorrow.
  10. Disconnect from electronics an hour before bed time. Use this time to read, listen to music, play with the kids, stretch, yoga, long hot bath. Your choice!


Here is the episode that goes with this blog post. I go into more detail in the video. Thanks for connecting! Stay safe and healthy and be blessed. Remember, you are enough, you are loved! Be your best YOU! 

Pick up my 20 Healthy Between Meals Snack Guide here now. 

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