We all are experiencing a lot of unknowns right now in our world. So many of my friends and young moms/dads are stressed and having to figure out the new normal for home right now.

Just think of it:

Kids are home 24/7
Husband/wife home from regular job
Cooking three meals instead of packing lunch, sending out door and having a few minutes to yourself.
Shopping online and delivery services that you used to not use. However, this can be a good thing…I believe many will see how easy it is to incorporate online services. Even in the take-out industry…restaurants that were originally just normal walk in dining areas have seen the ease of take out services.
Lots of changes right? Lots of unknowns right?

So, how is everyone coping with this? Some great, others not so much.
Many feel out of control, feelings of helplessness, nervousness and anxiousness. One of the best things to do right now is to stay plugged in to family, friends, by phone, internet, zoom calls, meetings online, etc.

So, here are a few things that might help the stay at home moms and dads.

1. Creative play rules-chalk drawings on the sidewalk and even fences!
2. Drive by parties where you play I spy! Ex. of teddy bears or Easter bunnies in windows
3. Online slumber parties
4. Cooking with kids 











What are some of the ways you are being creative and coping with your kiddos? Please drop those ideas below for us to share with others.

Now to YOU. Yes, YOU. As parents, grandparents, we take care of everyone else and then ourselves. Right?
So, what can you do to ease the anxious nervous feelings?
1. Face your fears/anxieties
2. Talk with someone about those feelings
3. Meditate
4. Long Baths, showers, walk, read
5. Turn off the tv! Yes, get the news quickly and then turn it off
6. Music is super healing to the body!
7. Eat nutritious meals/snacks (Pick up my Healthy Between Meals Snacks over on my blog at pamfosteronline.com)
8. Get enough sleep

What other tips can you share with us? Please drop those ideas in the comments below. We would love to hear them.

We are here to help you and your family stay safe and healthy!

I hope these tips have helped you! To view the video that goes with this post, click here now

May you find courage to be yourself today! Remember, you are valuable, you are loved and you are enough. Be Your Best YOU and stay safe and healthy

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