How to Shed 24 Pounds in 12 Weeks

Chocolate Combined with Intermittent Fasting

It’s the season of Love! Valentine’s Day is Here! Chocolates Abound!

I want you to put your arms around yourself and give yourself a hug! You are Loved, You are Worthy, You are a Valuable Person!

While we know this to be true, sometimes negative voices appear in our heads. Like…
Have you ever felt like you have to keep up appearances? Do you compare yourself with others? Feelings like you aren’t good enough?

To view this week’s episode, click here. 

Let me remind you…YOU are valuable just the way you are… right now… this very second! Our outward appearance does not define our inner self. However, society looks a lot on the outward appearance. Just pick up a magazine next time you are standing at the checkout counter at the grocery store. Look at the headlines.
They expect us to fit into some picture perfect world. Well, we don’t. We all have issues we are dealing with, we all have made mistakes, we all have to hit the reset button at some point.

What I am talking about is fueling our body with the right nutrition INSIDE so that we can be our best self OUTSIDE to be able to live a long life with good quality of life. What good is it to live a long life if you can’t be productive and feel like you are making a difference in other peoples lives, giving back to society, leaving a legacy for your grandkids? Doing something that matters…Something you LOVE!

You may be asking yourself, how do I do that? Where do I start? With so many options out there, how do I know what is real and what is not?

Have you heard the term intermittent fasting?  It is proven to be incredibly healthy and allows our body to rid itself of the forever toxins in our bodies. Plus, we start building lean muscle.

Why intermittent fasting is important for your body…
It supports your body’s natural detoxification system\It protects against the effects of oxidative stress
It eliminates stubborn fat, especially belly fat
It gives your body a rest so your body can reset.

To check out more about this intermittent fasting, I invite you to reach out to me here. I am starting a challenge March 1st and will be happy to get you the information.

We get to have snacks and chocolate as we cleanse! Plus the beneficial herbs and botanicals like aloe vera, turmeric, and ashwagandha.

This is a system that has a proven track record. The average weight loss is 24 pounds in 12 weeks. These are actual clinical studies and a year later, the people still had their weight on track and had not gained it back. Plus, you will have access to our private facebook group where we are all staying accountable to one another.

This Valentine’s Day week, do yourself a favor! Love yourself enough to say, I am taking care of myself. Do this with us!



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