Better Than A Sleeping Pill!

Ever have trouble just winding down from the day’s activities and work schedules, but don’t want to use a sleeping pill to fall asleep at night?

Studies continue to show the amazing benefits of  a healthy night’s rest, but so many people continue to struggle. It seems that some of the issues for poor sleeping habits starts with how you spend your day.

First, do your best to wake and go to sleep at the same time each day. Even on the weekends when the temptation is to sleep in later. This helps your bodies internal clock to optimize the most quality from your sleep.

If you tend to nap during the day, limit it to 15-20 minutes.

Work in bright lit areas. Lighting is important and you want to have your body in a well lit room. The optimum would be natural sunlight. Tip: Go outside and stand on mother earth for a few minutes barefoot.

Here are some ways to wind down to a relaxing evening at home and snuggle up in those warm covers and get a good night’s rest once and for all.

Avoid tv, computer screens, tablets, etc. 1-2 hours before bedtime.

Make sure your room is dark. If not, wear a sleep mask to block out the light.

Finish your workout at least 3 hours before bedtime.

Limit caffeine before bedtime.

Deep breathing as you lie down. Think on all the good things that happened this day. NOT what all you have to achieve tomorrow.

BONUS TIP: One of the best things I have learned is to clear my head before bed. I have a notebook that I write out what all has to get done the next day, including phone calls & appointments. One tip is to keep a small pad and pen next to your bed. When the thoughts start coming in, just do a “brain dump!” Get out the pad and pen and start emptying your head of those thoughts. It helps to clear your mind and then if need be, read a few pages of a good book. Then, off to dream land again!

If after using these tips, you are still struggling with sleep and want to know other alternatives I personally use, I suggest looking at our Squares and Tea for sleep.

“People that only ? for 3-4 hours a night will love sleeping a good 8 hours and wake up feeling flawless ? My husband is taking the tea also. Loves the taste and the relaxation he feels in his muscles. Stopped his other sleeper.”

“Had a gal call me about her grandson (9) who was diagnosed with RA. Can’t walk, go to school and is throwing up with so much pain. I asked a teammate to help deliver some squares to help her and …… Within 2 hours of putting on the square, he was feeling so much better! Jumped out of bed said it was super great sleep he had last night and was actually laughing all day. They really had missed his laugh❤️

If you want to know more about our amazing 24 hour transdermal cbd squares that will help you sleep like a baby, click here.

WHO do you know that has sleep problems????

“My neighbor was over Monday & mentioned if we see her light on at 3:30am not to worry……she’s reading a book. She CAN’T sleep. . I gave her 2 Moringa & CBD Tea bags and told her I want her to be my test person. She called me today and said “This Tea WORKS! I went to bed at 10:00 got up once during the night & right back to sleep until 6:00am. It has been years since I slept 8 hrs. She was over today for more TEA “???

One final tip: I use a Clinical Grade Pure Essential Oil in my diffuser to help promote restful sleep. If you want to know my favorite, click here! 

So there you have some awesome ideas to help you sleep the night away without all the drugs! Let me know how I can help! You can always connect with me over on my facebook page here.

Have you picked up my 20 healthy snack ideas yet, that won’t break the bank and take you less than 10 minutes to create and help you trim down that waistline and curb your sugar cravings? If you haven’t, you can get it here!


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