So many times, people will ask, do essential oils really work? How do I use the oils?

How do I know the difference between oils? Which oils work for what ailment? These are all excellent questions. I have personally been using clinical-grade essential oils for years with much success, and I highly recommend that you research and learn more about how you can improve your health by using the correct oils. My former medicine cabinet is now replaced with our oils, and I no longer use the chemical-laden lotions, creams, etc.

Here’s what my friend Dee had to say about her experience using clinical-grade essential oils:

Last night I was having a hard time going to sleep. My body was sore from moving furniture around on Saturday and deep cleaning EVERYTHING. My mind was racing from work and everything else going on. I COULD NOT STOP… so I got up and went to my Clinical Grade Essential Oils… and grabbed my Lavender, Melissa, Frankincense, and Cell Therapy oils… put a few drops of each in my Veggie Cap and took it.

Within 30 minutes I felt my shoulders relax… by 45 minutes I was completely relaxed and did not hurt at all! NOTHING! NADDA! ZIP! I dozed off and had a great night sleep. When I woke up, my lower back wasn’t hurting ( it ALWAYS hurts first thing in the morning)! I think I have found my new nightly regimen ??

Yes, you can even ingest certain oils, but you want to ensure you use clinical-grade essential oils.

There is a difference between Therapeutic and Clinical Grades. Listen to Dr. Hawley from Bowling Green, KY, with the Mayo Clinic describing what differentiates the line from other brands. He & his wife, who is an LMT, use the Améo oils in their Wellness Clinic.

From Dr. Scott Johnson ~
I think many underestimate the power of essential oil inhalation. Because essential oils influence the nervous and endocrine systems and are small volatile molecules that can cross the blood-brain-barrier, they can dramatically affect psychophysiology.

A preclinical model of depression and anxiety found that inhaling lavender daily for fourteen days decreased depressive symptoms. Even more remarkably, the oil improved brain cell maturation and altered protein and hormone production in the brain to improve overall brain function.


A friend shared with me today that she used our Ameo oils to help her shingles. She said when she felt something coming on, she would rub lemon, tea tree and lavender and she said “instant relief!”

“Cedar is in the air… thank goodness for my Ameo essential clinical grade oils… orange, lemon and true lavender 1 drop each under the tongue followed by a glass of water.”




“Ylang-ylang and the CBD squares… my blood pressure was very high this weekend ( stress related)! I put on two CBD squares, drank an extra SuperMix, ingested 1 drop of Ylang Ylang in 4 ozs of water, and diffused it! I brought my BP down, helped me focus, and now I’m good to go!”

Send me a message on Messenger if you have any questions.



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