As we gear up for the back-to-school season, ensuring our children have nutritious, easy-to-make snacks is crucial for maintaining their energy levels and focus throughout the day.

Consider preparing snacks like fruit kabobs, veggie sticks with hummus, or whole-grain crackers with cheese. These options are quickly assembled and packed with essential nutrients that support growth and learning. Incorporating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables can make snack time fun and appealing, encouraging kids to make healthier choices.

Another important aspect of back-to-school preparation is keeping nutrition up and sugar down. Opt for natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup instead of refined sugars, and choose snacks high in fiber and protein to keep kids feeling full and satisfied longer.

Reading nutrition labels and being mindful of added sugars in packaged foods can significantly affect your child’s overall health and energy levels. Encouraging water or milk over sugary drinks can also help reduce sugar intake while providing essential hydration and nutrients.

If you have not picked up my 20 Healthy Between Meal Snack Guide,

get it here now:

Some great treats will be filling and appetizing for your child as they walk in the door and need a quick pick-me-up before dinner or their afternoon sports/rehearsals.

If they like shakes, I highly recommend these! Packed with 24 grams of protein! I have one a day! Check out more here:

Other tips to ensure a smooth transition back to school include establishing a consistent routine, setting specific goals for the school year, and creating a dedicated homework space at home.

A structured routine helps children adjust to the school schedule, reducing stress and anxiety. Setting achievable goals can motivate students to strive for success, while a quiet and organized space for homework can enhance concentration and productivity.

With these strategies in place, we can help our children confidently and easily navigate the new school year.

As we send our children back to school, it’s important to take a moment to pray for their safety and the safety of the staff and administration.

We ask for protection over their physical well-being, wisdom for the educators, and a supportive environment that fosters learning and growth. May this school year be filled with opportunities, achievements, and positive experiences for everyone involved.

After seeing my friend’s beautiful prayer post yesterday for teachers and students, I asked her if I could share it with you.

So many things are beyond our control, so we must concentrate on what we can control. One aspect is prayer. Let’s stay strong and in prayer, as our little ones, teachers, staff, and administrators return to school.

Here is my friend’s prayer.

Father, our little one’s are off to school for a new year. I pray a hedge of protection around each child, each teenager, each college student. I pray for all of the administration, all teachers, all those working in the cafeteria, all the janitors, all the nurses and all of the bus drivers.

Help them to grasp hold of what they need to know and learn. I ask You to give them the aptitude for understanding and wisdom. I pray for discernment and that they will be competent to stand and serve in places of leadership and authority.

Father, I ask You to give them understanding, knowledge, strength and peace. I also ask You for loyal friends for them. Friends who love purity, who are pure in heart, and gracious in speech, friends that will sharpen them and love them at all times.

In Jesus Name. Amen!

If you currently do not have a devotional you are using,

I highly recommend Jesus Calling.

We have used it with our families for years and even one Christmas gave one to each of our children for them and their families to read.

You can even purchase the Jesus Calling 365 Devotions For Kids!  

Have a blessed school year everyone!



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