Have you felt overwhelmed lately? So much to do and so little time to fit it all in? I believe we all have felt this way at one time or another.

It occurred to me we all have the same amount of time, so how do some people seem to have it all together and others go around by the seat of their pants? In studying top entrepreneurs, business women/men in the corporate world, top CEO’s, I found many common traits they all possess.

One of the most common was their ability to arise early! Seems the old saying “the early bird gets the worm” is really true! Most arise at 6:00 a.m. or even better, 5:00 a.m. or before. I also learned they don’t hit the snooze button! (Yes, I have been guilty of that many times.) When the mind says, “Life is Too Exciting for Sleep” we tend to see things differently.

Other top traits in common:

  • checks email a.m, throughout the day and p.m.
  • exercise daily or at least 3 x a week
  • scheduled family time and date nights
  • Sundays preparing for the week ahead
  • 6-8 hours sleep

I found it interesting that most arise and check email first thing. For me personally, I love to have my quiet time first, read and then check email. Once I am answering emails, things are in motion and distractions start to arise. Notifications appear on my computer, phone rings, etc.

I did enjoy reading that many are very intentional on their time with their families. I am a firm believer that if you don’t schedule it, it won’t get done.

Even with your own personal time, make an appointment with yourself to take a few minutes each day to pamper yourself.

  1. Arise a few minutes earlier and enjoy that first cup of coffee in silence.
  2. Set an alarm on your phone to take a walk away from your office environment.
  3. Retire early one night a week and take a hot bubble bath.

Life is a journey and we all are learning every day! I hope these quick tips help you in your work/life balance.

Have a blessed week!

Check out my article here on taking time for yourself.

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