#1 Enemy of Weight Loss

What you may think is your friend, is actually your #1 Enemy as you strive to lose weight! Any guesses what this might be?

Ever felt like you are doing everything right, following the plan, but still not getting results? How are you measuring your results?

You could be slowing down your success and progress because you are focusing on the wrong thing. Most people do what every morning? They hop on a scale to see the drop in pounds. If they don’t see a drop, they get discouraged. Did you know that your weight can fluctuate up to 4 lbs over the course of a single day based on several factors…how much liquid have you had…what quantity of food are you intaking? You also could be gaining muscle while losing fat. When this happened to me, I first noticed my clothes fitting a little looser, my body had more energy, but the scale wasn’t moving that much. But, over a consistent time period of doing the right things and not getting hung up on the scale results, my body released over 100 pounds. That’s a lot of weight!

I highly recommend when you start your plan, you take your measurements, record your weight and then put the scale away! It only confuses your mind. I suggest you listen more to your body and the way you feel each day. By staying consistent, you will get the results you are looking for over time.

So, the next time you think you are hungry, really listen to your body and think and ask yourself…”Am I hungry?” …”Am I thirsty?” …”Am I bored?”… Many times I will drink a large glass of water and the feeling of hunger will subside because I am really thirsty. Other times, I might realize I’ve been sitting too long or I’m bored and just need to move my body. If after this you still feel you are hungry, then eat a sensible snack. I have a list of healthy snacks over on my blog at pamfosteronline.com and you can pick up my list free.

Back to the scale, I would suggest weighing in once a month and retake your measurements. That way you will see results and then once again, put the scale away and continue on. Just repeat this process until you reach your desired goals.

Now, if you find yourself wanting to go pull the scale out of the closet, just to take a peak and see where you are, I want you to think back to what Pam said. This could be your crutch and downfall. I want you to stay laser focused on you and your feelings and not on the scale. If you are not where you want to be at the end of the month, then contact me personally on my page here and we can chat about what is missing. Staying consistent on your plan, adding in the extra movements in your day will bring you success.

So, I thought I would address the one thing everyone tells us to do when we need to lose weight. What do you think that would be? “You need to get more exercise.” But who really feels like exercising? I remember that feeling because being 100 pounds overweight the last thing I wanted to do was exercise. I had visions of having to get up, get dressed in whatever oversize t shirt I could find, sweat pants and then make my way to the gym with all the machines and the cute little people dressed in their cute little matching outfits. Nothing against them. I am happy for them, but I couldn’t even let my mind go there. Of course, we know we need to get exercise. So what did I do?

I started with small steps that I could do each day. For instance… When I went to the grocery store, instead of driving around and looking for the closest spot nearest the door, I would park at the end of the parking lot and walk. That alone added increased movement to my day. It’s all about moving and this was how I started to think. Same thing when you go to the mall or the movies. Just park further out and it will increase your daily steps. As I started moving more, my body starting getting energized and then I actually wanted to walk more because I felt better. Then, I added in walking to my daily morning planning schedule. It may be just a block at the beginning, but that’s ok. Remember, movement is the key!

Just think of your day and what you need to do to add more steps in, but start slow. If you happen to be working a job and drive in to work every day, you can start by parking further away and then if you are in a parking garage, you can start taking the stairs. Just start! As I have learned it is the start that stops most people. The cool thing is, if you have fallen off of your goals, you are in charge…no one else…so make the decision to get back on track and start.

I always have the loved the little things in life. It’s what makes me happy! We may think they are little, but in actuality they are the big things in the end. For instance, when your kids call you and just check in on you or your dog greets you at the door after work or you get to wake up and enjoy a cup of coffee with your sweetie pie! It’s the same in your journey of health. Take baby steps and they will lead to greater results. Today, decide to start.. Today, decide to park a little further away and walk and enjoy the sunshine or the rain! Today, reach out and smile at someone. They will love the smile and you will too!

Before we go,

I’d like to invite you to my Private Facebook group where you can stay plugged in to get encouragement whether that be weight management, getting some new recipes, hearing other people’s stories, or just a place to ask questions and feel connected. 

And…if you haven’t picked up my 20 Healthy Between Meals Snack Guide, get yours here today! 

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Pam Foster~Healthy Living~Vocal Health Tips~         Click Here To Learn More