24 Fabulous Foods To Include In Your Diet To Help Your Skin Glow and Look Younger!



Which foods should you be eating for better skin health and a more youthful glow?

You'll get 24 delicious food ideas!

  • 24 Delicious and Easy to Store in your kitchen!
  • List of benefits to help with reducing fine lines and wrinkles!
  • What vitamins are in my colorful fruits and vegetables?
  • Yes, even dark chocolate has benefits!
  • Plus, my number 1 tip for skin care health!

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"I guess I just got to a place where I knew every step I took, would either take me closer to my grave, or to a longer, happier life... I think I chose wisely.” Steve

“For the first time in years, I am energetic, strong and happy!   Not only am I living life again, but I can afford to live life again.” Sheila

“My friend and mentor Pam Foster in Texas wrote this book to help people along on their weight loss journey. She has helped many people including myself to lose weight & be healthier & happier!!!” Stacey

-Pam Foster, Creator of Pam's Healthy Tips, Author of Be Your Best You

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